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Monday, April 4, 2016

The Journey | Still Waiting

We ares till waiting for more test results to come in. It seems like that is the name of the game right now- draw blood, run tests, draw blood, run tests.

His body received the transfusion really well. Praise God. He has had LOTS of good sleep. Praise God. We have been meeting his "team" continuously... there are  A LOT of them. Welcome to a wonderful teaching hospital.

Dempsey will end up having tubes put in his ears to alleviate the infection in his ear to hopefully stop it from advancing to mastoiditis (what we thought we were ruling out at ER). The procedure was originally going to happen about now (1:30pm) but has been pushed back to tomorrow in order to give his body time to fill up on transfusion goodness and start normalizing.

Pushing back his tube procedure also pushes back his bone marrow biopsy and his spinal tap. I am all for giving his little body time to adapt before such invasive procedures. Praise God that they knock children his size out for those things!!

Jake just reported that Dempsey is in good spirits. He's been eating grapes, drinking water, and munching on a NeoLife Bar- choc/ PB are his fave. He's had good elimination levels too- which CHOC docs tell you they're obsessed about.

Jake also informed me that the meeting with the attending physician/ oncologist went well. No further earth-shattering news: some form of leukemia, specifics unknown due to needing test results; high likelihood of cure. Dempsey is in very stable condition so the docs don't want to rush into aggressive treatment. It seems chemo will start later this week as well. All invasive procedures being pushed back to allow his body more time to get blood levels up.


  1. Praying for you Coral and your family! Praying for Dempsey's strength and God's Hand in Everything! ♡
