Biggest Need


It's not glamorous. It's not pretty. It's not fun. It's not creative. It's not ingenious. It's not smart. It's not comical.

It is endearing. It is powerful. It is helpful. It is necessary. It is provision. It is humbling. It is impactful. It is peace-providing.

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Saturday, July 2, 2016

Another Week Done

Yesterday wrapped up another week of treatment. Over the last five days, Dempsey has had four days of infusions and two days that contained an injection. According to Jake, Dempsey handled the two injections like a champ. Yes, they are painful. Yes, it's chemotherapy drug. Yes, he gets up and walks quickly and seems to have no side effects post injection.

It was a pretty complicated decision to make regarding the injection version of Erwinia. We weighed the following: pain/ trauma, number of injections (each skin poke brings potential for infection), duration of post-administration observation, potential ammonia level increase (is higher with infusion method), additional hydration requirements (more hours hooked up to his "power tower"), and his overall reaction after one administration of both infusion and injection. When it's you, it's a much easier choice. When it's your child though... you agonize over the littlest of details. It doesn't help when the doctors and medical staff tell you things like "most kids handle _______ very well" or "he looks like he bounces back quickly". I mean, praise God that these sentiments are true, but still... when they're talking about YOUR CHILD who has never had to receive these kinds of drugs, or ANY drugs for that matter, you find it difficult to accept their words. I basically told Jake to make the final decision and he chose the injection route and promptly made plans to escort Dempsey to all of those appointments. God bless him!

This has been a week of discovering some limitations I have, acknowledging them, embracing them, and leaning into my amazing life partner. Jake has managed to pick up where I leave off with grace and never makes me feel guilty for my limits. Nope, the guilt I feel comes solely from within and there is no shortage of it. Keepin' it real. Where in the world does the notion that I need to be "everything" for Dempsey come from? I don't know if that's a mom thing, a human thing, or a character failing of mine. Regardless, it's there and I am constantly working around or through it.

Jake is the most amazing life partner! I could not have created a better one for me if I tried. God knew I would need Jake as a package for what our marriage would entail. I am so grateful the Lord wove our lives together. I personally think our life tapestry is beautiful. Elements of our marriage are being tested. We, as husband and wife, are having to navigate a gauntlet I would never wish on anyone. Thankfully we choose to lean into each other as we lean on God in order to come out of this victorious. It is my prayer that we are always glorifying God- even in the hardest times, even when we doubt. I pray that we are always salt and light to a world in desperate need of hope. I hope that my (our) transparency is encouraging to all who look upon our relationship. I will ALWAYS ask for more prayer over our marriage. It was before leukemia and it will remain after leukemia. It needs to remain a high priority and receive constant care and attention.

My amazing friend Monica took Sawyer for the whole day on Thursday. He accompanied her kids to Bounce U from 8:30-2 and then to Chess Camp (which is every Thursday) from 3:30-4:30. Sawyer and I met up with them in the Outback parking lot in Brea at 7:45 and she dropped Sawyer off at our house around 5:15. It was a great day for Sawyer and a nice break from him for Dempsey. Sometimes, you just need space from a person... or people... or your house... or your ________. Sawyer said he had such a fun time with friends and he sure did expend a LOT of energy. Hooray for fun opportunities and time with friends!

I do sense that Sawyer is having a hard time with having a little brother with cancer. So often Sawyer forgets Dempsey is so sick because he looks and acts so normal and strong. But, on days where our parent hearts are weak after Dempsey gets so many drugs pumped or injected into his little body, we ask Sawyer to cater to Dempsey a little bit more than normal. We don't spoil Dempsey rotten, despite wanting to, because we still need him to grow into a decent human being! We do ask that Dempsey get a little bit more of his choosing for enduring such crappy realities. Sawyer has acted more like a teenager this week. Yesterday morning he was playing wii AND listening, on headphones, to a Burns and Allen Old Time Radio Show. Is there anything more typical teen than shutting out the world in such a way? I remember listening to music while doing my homework. Sawyer has also taken to joking around so much that we just look at him and go "Enough." Please don't get me wrong, Sawyer and his worst day is exponentially more delightful than other kids on their best days! We love and appreciate our Sawyer so very, very much. He is an incredible human being! I'm just sharing that he is struggling with Dempsey's reality... our family's reality of cancer. It really does effect more than just the one plagued with it.

Eavesdropping: Sawyer was asking if Dempsey had an appointment today. When I said no, I heard Dempsey say, in a VERY high-pitched voice, "That's good, right Sawyer?!" He is just the sweetest little guy and Sawyer is the best big bro a kid could have... even on his worst day.

It blesses my heart (and our family) that there are still tangible gifts being gifted to us. Whether it be money, meals, or items off our Amazon Wish List... I am (we are) so appreciative!! I cannot describe the feeling of care that comes when I receive these gifts. To know that you are thinking of us and supporting us, still, is wonderfully overwhelming. Sometimes I fear that our support network is going to grow weary of carrying us through this valley and that makes me scared. I know God is ever-present with us but sometimes the need for human support is real. Someone to reach out and touch. Someone to say thank you to. Believe me, I say thank you to God all the time but when I say it to a human I see the response. I don't get to see God's response on his face... just imagine it.

I have started a website, not sharing the address yet because it's not complete, where I will share the holistic methods and products we are employing for Dempsey's body during this cancer battle. It will also incorporate this blog/ site so you will still see these posts. Plus, I will still share, from here, on social media for those that are on Facebook and Instagram.

THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR STICKING WITH US!! We need you. Truly, we do. Dempsey has three years left of treatment and, so, we will need you for three more years and beyond, if you can hack it. July 2019 is our end date. Please keep Dempsey on your fridge (aka in your minds, hearts, prayers). His cancer journey does not end when the cancer does. There will be years of follow-up appointments and check-ins and I will, no doubt, spend the rest of my life with the fear (however small) of cancer returning to Dempsey's body. I have been wrecked and will never be the same again.

All for the glory of God. All of it is in God's hands and according to his time.


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Erwinia Injection #1

This was the report from Jake after Dempsey received his first Erwinia injection.

I'll take it! I still don't think this mama can stomach an injection appointment. I am so grateful that I have a husband who is willing to step up when I just can't step at all!

Thank you, Lord, for answering the prayers that went up on Dempsey's behalf for this appointment. Please keep the pain away and protect Dempsey's body against yucky side effects. Amen

Other ways to support Dempsey & our family
The Pledge  Meal Train  Farm Fresh to You  PayPal  Amazon

A Little About This Week

So, the last post was all about me being "super raw" emotionally, and I was. Still am in a way. The difference between then and now is I've experienced the new drug with Dempsey.

Monday was a hellishly long day. Dempsey and Jake left the house around 7:20am and I didn't bring Dempsey (and Sawyer) home until 5:30pm. Too long! The majority of that time Dempsey was hooked up to his "tubies" and his "power tower" getting his drugs infused into his little body. No reactions- praise God! The most noticeable effect, perhaps, was sleepiness toward the end of his LONG day. That may or may not have been a response to the new drug. It could have been a blood sugar issue just with being away from "normal" routine for the day. He fell asleep on the drive home and slept for awhile... which meant he didn't go to bed until almost midnight. Thankfully, Jake had taken a nap and was able to stay up with him.

Tuesday Jake took Dempsey to his infusion appointment. It was a much shorter appointment and went smoothly. Why didn't I take Dempsey? Well, I was handling Sawyer's doctor's appointment. Why did Sawyer have a doctor appointment? He has an outer ear infection, early stages, that I AM NOT IN THE MOOD TO MONITOR. I needed to know the extent of this issue. We got drops for his ear and will continue to use our essential oils externally around his ear. Also, he has a rash. It was noticeable as of Monday. Looked like chicken pox but wasn't itchy and wasn't spreading... so, I knew it wasn't chicken pox. Doctor said it looked like "dermatitis". Can you be more vague? The fact that she wasn't concerned about it was nice but I wish there was a little more conclusive diagnosis. So, we'll keep oiling up with a combo of: lemon, oregano, Protective Blend (OnGuard), melaleuca, and coconut oil... to cover ALL the bases- bacterial, fungal, viral, etc.

I am so grateful that Jake is the kind of father/ husband/ man who makes his family his priority. His wife, that's me, has limits. Dammit. I am learning to recognize those limits and pass the baton in an effort to avoid emotional upheaval or catastrophe. If I push myself beyond my limits bad things happen and I will not be able to be the wife/ mother I need to be. So, I lean into the all-too-foreign-to-me wiring of my male counterpart. Although I do not understand how someone can compartmentalize as he does or literally be thinking "nothing"... I am super grateful for those traits when it comes to walking through a tragic valley. Jake is able to deal (?), handle (?), accept (?) the reality, even an ugly one, and walk steadily through it. Me? I might be okay in the short term but man, oh man, would I be sloppin' emotions all over the place like an irrational tsunami. Not ideal for such a time as this.

Today brings more need and opportunity for Jake to step up BIG TIME and handle Dempsey's appointment. More infusion and an injection. I get the shakes just typing that. We were faced with a tough decision regarding this new chemotherapy drug- Erwinia. I can be infused for all doses and that means an every-other-day infusion over 2 hours with a 1 hour observation and 2 hours post hydration... not to mention the other drugs he would also need to have infused. That makes for REALLY LONG days away from home. Plus, when you infuse Erwinia you have an increased risk for ammonia toxicity (and it is not standard practice to check the patient's ammonia levels!). Doctors say that when it's injected the ammonia release is little to none, although with the injection comes pain. In my deep desire to keep Dempsey from more trauma, I railed against injections. I consulted with a friend whose daughter had each dose infused. This same child nearly hit a coma because her ammonia levels were that high and NO ONE was checking! Weighing the pros and cons... I finally just told Jake "I'm letting you make this choice." I just couldn't settle on one method and time is a key factor. So, with the injections comes a limit reached for me. Jake knows this and accepts this. He is managing his job responsibilities and his family responsibilities marvelously and with grace. I know this is taking a toll on him, but he has yet to complain. So, I ask you to pray for him.

Thursday are more infusions but, I think, also brings a de-access of his port. (needle out of his chest)
Friday is another injection.
Saturday and Sunday WE'RE FREE of drugs and will REST!!

Next week looks exactly like this week... with the exception of maybe 3 injections instead of 2 and 1 infusion of the Erwinia.
Monday: accessing port, infusions, injection
Tuesday: infusions
Wednesday: infusions, injection
Thursday: infusions, de-access of port
Friday: injection
Saturday/ Sunday: FREEDOM
Then we have at least one week, maybe two, off of treatment so we can focus solely on self-care for Dempsey and continuing to strengthen his body through nutrition, detox, oils, and activity.

Prayer requests:
Pray for miraculous healing
Pray for zero side effects
Pray for effective treatment with NO damage to Dempsey's body
Pray protection over EVERY SINGLE PART OF DEMPSEY'S BODY (his organs are in danger from this treatment)
Pray against pain
Pray against complications/ allergic reactions, etc
Pray for wisdom
Pray for calm nerves
Pray for selective amnesia regarding pain
Pray for Jake's Daddy-heart
Pray for my sanity
Pray for Sawyer's Brother-heart
Pray that we will feel peace with our choices (I hope hindsight will reveal we made all the right choices for Dempsey's treatment)
Pray for restorative rest (sleep is illusive for me)
Pray for normalcy as much as possible
Pray for joy despite despair
Pray against worry and fear
Pray for our support network, it is vital to our surviving this journey and navigating it with grace
Pray for things we can't see or think of
Pray as you feel led

Side effects have been minimal to non-existent
Dempsey seems to be thriving during treatment (best we can hope for given the current medical model and legal limitations)
Dempsey sleeps well
Dempsey laughs
Dempsey is strong
Dempsey is increasing in strength with his trike
Dempsey enjoys being outside and active
Dempsey can run again, almost as well as pre-leukemia
Dempsey's story is touching MANY lives and planting seeds
We have tools to help Dempsey thrive
Dempsey and Sawyer are strong together and still bonding like normal brothers
Dempsey handles treatment like a CHAMP
Dempsey prays for his appointments at dinner (even the hard ones)
Dempsey brings smiles and joy to his medical staff
Dempsey is not defeated
Dempsey bounces back FAST and with enthusiasm
God is faithful and with us, even if we can't see Him or feel Him

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Post In Process

Please stand by... there is a post in process.

Until it is finished, please enjoy this photo.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Super Raw

Today has been the hardest day I've had in quite awhile. Knowing what is coming tomorrow morning, a new chemo drug and a two weeks of every day travels to CHOC OPI, my nerves have been shot. I've been angry, lonely, pissed, tired, weak, scared, worried, fear-filled, and more. My mind has been such a battleground today and I'm afraid that I didn't stand my ground as well as I should have. I'm just broken, folks. Good and broken.

This morning started out really good. I was managing to keep my cool about the coming week. Sawyer and I went to church. I was totally tracking with the message John delivered. Then came a video about a particular team of missionaries. Long story short, when their son was 9 he was diagnosed with leukemia. He ended up dying. I lost my $#!&. I broke down, into tears, in service. Thankfully my new friend Karen was there to hold me up. I just squeezed her so tight, gasping for air, and saying "I don't want that to be us!" She just squeezed me back and kept saying "I know." It really was a beautiful moment of messiness.

I shared my emotional wreckage with a few people who promised to pray (as they have been) and shared words of encouragement. I am so grateful to them. More than most, though, I am grateful to Jessica. She walked this journey with her teenaged daughter and came out victorious. I cannot explain to those who haven't walked a journey like this, just how grounding it is to reach out to someone, bare your soul, and have them say "I totally get it" and mean it. Jessica is one of those people for me. Our text exchange was just what I needed to find my footing and get through the rest of the day. I am grateful. I'm still weak but there is more strength than there was and it's because she is willing to give me a few minutes of her time, reach back to her emotions throughout her family's journey, and sit with me in the mess.

I'm still scared. I'm still worried. I'm still angry. I'm still so many things I don't want to be but I am able to not fixate so much. THAT is how I know people ARE praying for me. If they weren't, I'd be back on antidepressants.

Dempsey is, at the moment, doing GREAT! Praise be to God. Happy. Strong. Energetic. Playful. Bubbly. Bouncy. Comical. Chatty. All the things a 4 year old should be.

Prayer requests:
Please pray for Dempsey. New drugs mean new unknowns.
Pray over his body.
Pray that the drugs do what the need to do, cause no lasting damage, and his body is able to detox them out with no problems.
Pray that we will do everything we know how to do to help his body detox and heal itself.
Pray that I can look back on today and see that there was no need to worry because Dempsey is doing just fine.
Pray ahead of us.
Pray for all of us. This journey is HARD.
Pray for our support network because we need it! We need it BIG!!
Pray for solid rest.
Pray for effective distractions.
Pray against side effects.
Pray against pain.
Pray against nausea/ vomiting.
Pray that his little body handles this new regimen like a champ.
Pray for health.
Pray for healing.
Pray for miracles.
Pray as you feel led.