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Friday, November 11, 2016

Counts Too Low || More Labs on Monday

Dempsey did NOT make counts, again. He needs to be at 750 and is only at 694. I don't know why his body isn't rebounding like normal and that gives me pause.

I am not good at this cancer thing. I hate that his immune system looks like that of a yo-yo being worked by a master yo-yo-er. That cannot be good for such a little body (or any body).

Lord, please protect my baby. Help me strengthen the body you gave him. Lead to the right foods and care he needs. Give me peace, Lord. I try so hard not to worry. To lean into your proven faithfulness. I'm just scared, Father. Scared of something I do not understand. Help me to be teachable and patient. Help me to be ever-discerning of YOUR path for Dempsey, not what I would desire, for you know all. Amen

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Change of Plans

So, there's been a change of plans.

Dempsey didn't make counts on Monday. His ANC was only 650 and it needs to be 750 or greater to receive chemo.

So, we wait.

Friday he'll have labs again to check his ANC level. If he makes counts that day then he'll move forward with treatment on Monday or Tuesday.

If all goes as planned then, Dempsey will have his last infusion on Thanksgiving. I think that's what Jake said.

Cancer doesn't understand holidays.

I hate cancer.

Monday, November 7, 2016

A Busy Week of Appointments

Please pray over Dempsey this week. He has 5 appointments in 5 days, 4 of which are for infusions. There are new drugs too.