Biggest Need


It's not glamorous. It's not pretty. It's not fun. It's not creative. It's not ingenious. It's not smart. It's not comical.

It is endearing. It is powerful. It is helpful. It is necessary. It is provision. It is humbling. It is impactful. It is peace-providing.

You have two ways you can give: YouCaring & PayPal

Friday, April 7, 2017

All Sass

Me: Dempsey, you are an incredible young man. Did you know that?

Dempsey: Yes.

Me: How did you know that?

Dempsey: I feel it.

Me: How or where do you feel it?

Dempsey: I feel it in the Force.

Me: Get out!

Dempsey: That's from Star Wars... but not the Lego one.

Monday, April 3, 2017

One Year

April 3rd is the day we began this journey called CANCER.

It's the day our hearts broke.

It's the day we placed our son on the altar, like Abraham did with Isaac.

It's the day "normal" changed.

It's the day that brought CHOC into our lives.

It's the day we began needing all of you in ways we would never imagine.

It's the day our faith was enlisted anew- and it showed up in battle gear on the battlefront.

It's the day that will forever be the dividing line between no cancer and cancer.

It's the day we received some answers and unearthed many more questions.

It's the day I watched my husband drive away with my son... in an ambulance.

It's the first day I wailed for the first time.

It's the day that began to expose my limitations as a mother, a wife, a friend, a human.

It's the day a most unlikely partnership formed- me and doctors.

It's the day I realized I would not act the way I always imagined I would in this situation.

It's the day YOU, the Body of Christ, was summoned- and you showed up.

It's the day God knew was coming.

It's the day God had been preparing us for.

It's the day God reminded us who is in charge.

It's the day God pulled tapestry threads together to reveal a new vision.

Since that day...
We have been blessed beyond measure.

We have seen through the floor of Heaven, and it's glorious.

We have fallen at the foot of the Cross daily.

We have prayed like never before.

We have humbled ourselves to the point of excruciating pain.

We have needed more than ever before in areas we never dreamed.

We have learned so much.

We have protected our baby with the tools the Lord provided.

We have planted Kingdom seeds within the hearts of CHOC employees and other patients.

We have planted seeds of knowledge regarding the power of nutrition.

We have been massively successful in helping our son THRIVE during treatment.

We have learned more about cancer than we ever desired.

We have exited the 5 fwy at La Veta more times than any other offramp.

We have met incredible professionals.

We have met extremely brave and strong cancer warriors and their families.

We have seen the Lord at work in ways others cannot see because they don't have our lenses.

We have seen a church stirred with compassion.

We have witness immense generosity accompanied with no return address.

We have broken repeatedly.

We have found our voices and are using them in new ways.

We have tried to live in this new purpose God gave us.

We have seen the spirit of our cancer kid carry many a person that should be carrying him.

We have seen the power of perspective.

We have relinquished control.

We have assumed control.

We have relinquished control again. (Okay, maybe that's just my issue.)

We have see Sawyer grow and mature even faster and farther than he should ever have to.

We have seen Dempsey endure things no child ever should.

We have learned to let our cancer kid lead us on HIS journey.

We have been blessed to see the little things as vastly more important.

We have been honored at a gala... at a football game...

We have grown closer as a family.

We have found a new "normal".

We have survived.

From this... this!

We still need YOU!