Biggest Need


It's not glamorous. It's not pretty. It's not fun. It's not creative. It's not ingenious. It's not smart. It's not comical.

It is endearing. It is powerful. It is helpful. It is necessary. It is provision. It is humbling. It is impactful. It is peace-providing.

You have two ways you can give: YouCaring & PayPal

Sunday, December 24, 2017

A World Vision Christmas

Our family decided to do something different this Christmas. Instead of spending money on our loved ones who have access to everything they need and much, much more... we are taking our "Christmas fund" and shopping the World Vision catalog.

So, in your honor, this year we are buying the following:
1 goat
2 ducks
3 rabbits
4 chickens
​a share in a fish pond


We had a lovely family discussion about this idea and the boys were totally on board. They love the idea that a small gift/ investment from us can end up impacting a whole village of people.

See, chickens aren't just chickens. They are food - eggs, meat. They can provide income - selling of excess eggs and offspring. The income they generate helps pay for other necessities the family has.
The same goes for ducks and rabbits (well, not the egg part).
A goat is similar to the others except that the milk it provides can be turned into cheese, yogurt, and other food items for consumption or for selling. Their offspring can also be sold for profit.

You can see how impactful this investment will be in the lives of one or more who have so little. We have prayed over this investment/ gift and are believing that the Lord will multiply this gift like only He can.

World Vision has many items in their catalog to choose from - not just agriculture. I'm sure you would find something that speaks to you for your next gift-giving opportunity.

If you want to support Dempsey, here are two active links.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

A Positive Post

In an effort to share more positive things, I give you this post...

Dempsey is:
THRIVING through treatment. He still maintains the no negative side effects stemming from treatment. This is miraculous!
DEFYING the "norm" the CHOC employees talk about. 😀

Enjoying 1st grade. He LOVES art. I swear, we need to be planting SO MANY trees to replace the ones needed to create all the pieces of paper he's used. His medium doesn't matter that much to him but he tends to use markers most.

Growing in his understanding of Scripture and spiritual matters. His questions about the topic show an uncanny awareness of this arena and it encourages me. He is eager to participate in Sunday School at the Warehouse OC and works to memorize those verses to earn Bible Bucks. He enjoyed participating in the kids Christmas choir at the Warehouse OC as well. It was a wonderful first experience for him and I am thankful for the opportunity he had, along with Sawyer, so sing, dance, and glorify God in this manner.

Active. Running, jumping, playing soccer, and some new break dancing or mixed martial art-ish moves - we're not quite sure which distinction is more accurate.

Reading more and more. He is interested in learning to read, therefore he is picking it up quickly and we can tell he is having fun getting smarter in this way.

Taking on more responsibility - on his own. It is precious... I just watched him walk from the kitchen to our dining table, a spoonful of water in hand, gingerly stepping toward and slowly watering Sawyer's new "pet"... a Venus Fly Trap plant. 😉  He helps with trash cans, bringing those big ol' things in from the street on trash days. Helping Sawyer do the laundry (I am completely removed from this entire process).
Tonight he even took his pill by himself, mostly. I cut it and put it in the banana but he took the pieces and bites all on his own (I had to leave to pee).

Working on his writing ability. He works in a workbook to train those little fingers to write and recognize letters and words. This also helps with his reading.

Hitting every milestone/ marker just like a normal 6 year old would. He is growing in height and weight just as he should. ALL of his baby teeth are still tightly fixed in his mouth... which is surprising to me considering at his age Sawyer had already lost at least 4. (I know, kids start losing their baby teeth between 6-7 generally speaking.)

Eating so well. He eats whatever we put in front of him. Even if he doesn't love it he eats it because he knows it's good for him. I love that my 6 year old is taking such ownership of his own health. He has surpassed my by like 20 years!

Opening doors like the little gentleman he is. Not only for me, as he tells Sawyer, "Ladies first", but also for others... and not only ladies but other men as well.

Still enjoying his technology time. It has been limited for quite some time and only recently have we (I) let up a little to allow a bit more screen time. Since he's not reading on his own it makes no sense to force him to stare at book while I visit the chiropractor or whatnot. So, a little iPhone playtime is allowed. He gets annoyed with me because I tell him "You can watch something... but it has to be educational." [insert Dempsey's eye roll here]

Deepening his brother bond with Sawyer. The relationship and respect they have for each other is awesome, in every sense of the word. They play together well. They even argue well. The communicate well 90% of the time. The really don't like being apart for too long. Each gets sad when the other is away for longer than they think they should be. It really is the best brother bond I've seen in children their age. Blessed.

Developing his own personality more and more. He is a bonafide knucklehead and goofball. He is becoming a master of sass and sometimes pushes the envelope a hair too far and gets called out for it. He is funny! His jokes aren't always that great but I think they will just get better as his vocabulary increases. He's a stinker and a jokester. This kid definitely adds so much laughter to our home.

Increasing his holistic health knowledge. He usually knows which essential oil he needs for whatever is ailing him. He is so oil-aware that when Sawyer is struggling in some way he will go fetch the appropriate oil to support Sawyer. Precious. He is articulate when it comes to nutrition as well. At stores he knows what labels to look for and what words to avoid. He rarely asks for anything that is processed much or contains a ton of ingredients with words that are long and foreign.

Cultivating a deeply sensitive heart. Out of the steroid stresses we can still see that he cares about relationships and when the steroids breakdown the communication he FEELS that. He doesn't like when people are not okay.

Constantly brave beyond what any of us can imagine. The way he handles his cancer journey is incredible and inspiring. I hope to be as brave as he is when I grow up.

Ever-growing in his love and knowledge of all things Star Wars. Much to my dismay, Star Wars is a HUGE part of life in my home. My boys LIVE it daily. Music. Legos. Costumes. Pretend play. Conversation. Art/ drawings. Home videos. Clothes/ pajamas. You name it.

There you have it, friends. A delightful list of positivity regarding Dempsey and his journey with cancer and CHOC. Don't you wish every cancer patient could have this kind of success on their journey?

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

2017 Christmas Card

Merry Christmas
Here is our 2017 Christmas card. Hope you enjoy it.
Please accept this digital version as we cannot afford to send cards to everyone we value.

Photo credit goes to Mrs. Keriann Converse of Keriann Converse Photography.

We are deeply thankful and grateful to all of you who are with us on this journey. We know that many have dropped off over the last 20 months, but you are still here!! YOU are still with us and that is such a blessing. I realize it is a sacrifice to stay with us and trudge this epic journey. Your sacrifice is not in vain. It IS acknowledged. It IS felt. It IS appreciated. We pray that it is returned tenfold.

This Christmas season, please don't lose sight of the real reason we celebrate. We celebrate because our Redeemer came into this world to bring us hope... to bring us reconciliation with our Creator. He came to live the only spotless life ever lived so that it could be offered as a sacrifice of atonement for our sinfulness. What an amazing truth!

Lets remember that we are messengers of HIS message. We are to behave in ways that reflect Christ and are a stark contrast to the behvior of the world - those apart from Christ. Lets keep our minds in the Word, our hearts in worship, and our will in line with the Spirit. This will ensure our ability to be light in the darkness - what an honor. Care less for the trappings that distract and care more for the people who need a message of hope eternal. This is the prayer for my family as well.

We pray blessings over you. We pray for you: peace, love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, self-control, gentleness, faithfulness. We pray that your roots grow deeper in Him so that your branches and fruit may reach farther and farther for the Kingdom.

Jeremiah 29:11-13
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Update: Thanksgiving and a Look at December

I shared about Dempsey's recent procedure day (click here) and I caught you up on photos (click here). Now, let me share about Thanksgiving and give you a look at what December holds for Dempsey.

A time of year dedicated to intentional thankfulness. At times this feels like an absolute crock... why do people wait to be thankful until this season is upon us? Wouldn't it be healthier, on all fronts, if we were thankful every single day? Just a thought.

Anywho... Thanksgiving Day was simple. We purchased the meal from Sprout's (next year we'll try Lucille's) and my parents hosted us at their house. I made apple crisp for dessert to round out the festive meal.
We went around the table, each sharing something we were thankful for. Sawyer started... and then also finished because he wanted a redo. Bless his heart. Then... wii. The boys and Jake played some Nintendo wii. A favorite past time that gets little attention since our family entered a season of "tech fasting".

Personally, this time of year is hard. I have to actively and intentionally WORK to remain thankful. This is our second Thanksgiving since Dempsey's diagnosis and it is still such a stress to overcome.

December holds my birthday (12/2), two co-op days (12/1 & 12/8), a visit with Gram, an infusion day (12/12), a Christmas performance at the The Warehouse OC (12/9 & 12/10), and Christmas.
Such a busy time of year. Such a wonderful, holy time of year.

Cancer Kid Famous is coming to Instagram! It is a store that will only offer a handful of unique items for one week each month. Something for Mom. Something for Dad. Something for Kid. Something for the Fans. Be sure to check back each month to see what items are available! Click here to follow Cancer Kid Famous on Instagram.
Cancer Kid Famous will eventually be more than a store. 😃

I, Coral, became a Wildtree Independent Representative. Why? Simply because it completes the holistic lifestyle my family and I embody and promote. Clean ingredients, no GMOs, largely allergen-free, no MSG, no dyes, no additives, no trans fats, no preservatives, no artificial flavors, low sodium, low sugar, and no high fructose corn syrup! How could I not do this?!


pray against negative side effects
pray for peace
pray for wisdom
pray for protection
pray for miraculous healing
pray for strength
pray for love
pray for faith
pray for thankfulness
pray for obedience
pray for endurance
pray against the enemy's attacks
pray for our marriage
pray for Sawyer
pray for Dempsey's emotional heart
pray for the medical team
pray for CHOC
pray for those involved in Dempsey's treatment
pray over the future
pray that we can remain present in the now
pray for normalcy
pray for understanding from those watching this journey
pray for grace
pray for the Fruits of the Spirit to ripen
pray for our mission field (the cancer world)
pray that we don't waste one moment or opportunity within this journey
pray that finances would multiply and extend beyond us to others
pray God is always glorified through this
pray as you feel led

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Procedure Day || Cycle 5: Month 1

Today marks the beginning of Cycle 5 in the Maintenance Phase of Dempsey's treatment. A phase is three months, so there are four phases in a twelve month period.
Starting this cycle:

  • month one has a procedure day (needle in his chest for access, sedation, needle in his spine to inject chemotherapy into his cerebral spinal fluid)
  • months two and three have a visit to OPI (OutPatient Infusion) for a needle in his chest and a short chemotherapy infusion.
If my math is correct, Dempsey goes to Cycle 11.

Remember, his treatment will not end until AUGUST 5, 2019.
That is 629 days remaining.
Dempsey will be 12 days shy of turning 8 when he's done and will have spent 1,215 days in treatment (3 yrs, 4 mos).
For more "fun" facts, see his page on Facebook.

Here are photos of this week's procedure day. Thank you for praying over him!

Driving to CHOC

Waiting to get the party started (on an empty stomach)

Post accessing (needle in his chest)

Post procedure, coming out of sedation. Mommy usually has 2 heads and 4 eyes.

The top photo popped up on my Facebook as a memory... poignant.
So, I had to do a comparison of then (6 yrs ago) and now.

My guys.

Of course Chick fil-A!

Reward for a job well done... a battle won... another feather in his cap... another box checked...

At home, after some play with Sawyer.
He and I played UNO while Daddy slept and brother listened to Burns and Allen.

I posted the following on my Facebook wall:
It is still so surreal that this is our life. Days like today, when I'm grieving other things in life, it is hard to give thanks for this journey.
I honestly don't want to give praises for a smooth journey because that still means there is a journey.
Deep down I am thankful for a smooth journey... deep down I know this is all for God's glory... but today, in this moment, I just want it to stop. I want to scoop him up and run far, far away from medical anything.
If you can relate, solidarity.
If you cannot relate, just pray for us and support us as we ask.
#cancersucks #childhoodcancer #leukemia
Each month our precious boy takes prednisone for 5 days following his CHOC appointment. Doctors say that the steroids "assist the chemo, increasing its effectiveness". I'm not sure I believe them but I have to give my boy the steroids because they are a mandatory part of treatment (at least at our hospital). It sucks. Steroids in such a tiny frame... *Lord protect my baby! Protect his precious, still-maturing organs. Guard his emotions and fill him with peace.*

I'm in a darker-than-normal place right now. Other things in life march on, change, fall apart, and cancer is overlaid atop it all. It is too much! You would think that after the success and "ease" Dempsey has had and continues to have I would have more peace. Nope. Every single time there is fear. Every single time there is the possibility of awful happening. Every single time there is anger that we have to do this- AGAIN. Every time there is the benching of my pride and ego as I ask for help- AGAIN, ask for monetary support- AGAIN, ask for prayers- AGAIN, ask for people to walk with me on this craptastic journey-AGAIN. The release comes when the procedure is done and all is "well". When we go to Chick fil-A and devour our feelings in chicken and waffle fries and watch the boys jump and climb around the PlayPlace. Sure, there's release but that also means I'm flooded with emotions.

The emotional onslaught chips away at the shell I'd been constructing and reinforcing since the last appointment. Like a hammer and chisel against a barely set piece of pottery... I crack and crumble. This time, it's even hard to pray. I'm just so weak and angry I don't want to talk to God. I don't want to be thankful. I want to be selfish and throw a tantrum- despite knowing it does no good. It may be a way to shove all the ucky feelings out of my body but it can do some real damage to those in the near vicinity. So, I try to hold it together but that has problems of its own. I get quite. I go deep inside. I withdraw. Through the darkness I try to find the thread that leads to thankfulness and gratitude. The thread is clearly frayed because I keep finding pieces of a once tight and strong strand.

Welcome to this mom's journey with childhood cancer.

Prayer requests:
Pray as you feel led

Friday, November 10, 2017

Photo Catch Up 1 || We know pictures are worth many words

A field trip to Riley's Apple Farm.

Sleepy boy.
Lazy morning.

A dolpin and echolocation.

Dempsey enjoys Baby Blues almost as much as Sawyer.


Brothers wrestling.

Little Darth.

Dinnertime giggles.

Stocking up at NeoLife.
We take health SERIOUSLY.

Morning snuggles and silly-ness.

 Lego building.

Visiting our favorite Naturopath and having Sawyer's RBTI numbers run.

We discovered he was a tad alkaline, so we needed some
Calcium Lactate to move him to a better pH.

Soccer practice with Youth Kicks.

Comics and pancakes.

Daddy doing the nightly essential oil routine.

The acceptable carbonated beverage at Kenagyville.

Spiralizer and "zoodles" (zucchini noodles).

Dempsey writing a new language.

This kid loves Star Wars.

Homeschool art class.

It took a year, but Dempsey wore through his first pair of legit Crocs.

Such a fun event with MaxLove Project and Whole Foods in Brea.
Artist Kelsey Montague painted that mural and we got to meet her and paint with her.
(The boys met the cast of Disney's Stuck in the Middle...
we have no clue who they are since we don't watch television.)
Artist Kelsey Montague.
Dempsey's "art". Batman and Mr. Freeze.
Group shot.
One of my favorite people in the cancer world.
This is Audra. She is Max's mama and head of MaxLove Project.

More art. More Star Wars.

Making roller bottles for Sawyer to help his kidneys and intestines.

Made grilled shrimp with Wildtree spices.

Dempsey drew ALL the Batman villains.
Can you find and name them all?

Goofy kids at Uncle Steve's house on stairs Uncle Nathan and I used to run up and down daily.
Last pool photo at this pool.