I'm so sorry it's been so long between posts. Maintenance really is a time when things get "easier" from a medical/ schedule standpoint. We are down to nightly pills (mercaptopurine - 6MP), weekly addition of second chemotherapy pill (methotrexate - MTX), monthly infusions of a third chemotherapy drug (vincristine) and steroid pulses (prednisone), and quarterly lumbar punctures with IT MTX.
Beyond that, nothing is changing treatment wise. We are praising God still for His continuous protection of our boy. It is indescribable, the way that Dempsey is thriving and managing to "sail" through this treatment that is totally compromised of carcinogenic toxins being repeatedly ingested or injected into his precious little body.
Forgive me if I don't sing the praises of doctors and medical people... I believe the system is broken (despite the people in it having good hearts and honorable intentions) and the way my child is being treated makes zero sense to me. Yeah, I've read the studies that the docs get their protocol from. As any student who has taken statistics knows, data can be manipulated and lead to prove whatever outcome you're looking for. Lets not also forget that these medical professionals do not talk at all about the need to build up the body's immune system, feed it well with nutrient-dense foods, exercise it to help it detox/ process out all the toxins... No. Instead I have been told "The liver is a resilient organ... we are comfortable with pushing it to its limits and then backing off because it recovers well." What?! Continuing to push an organ to its limits is insanity, especially when that organ is already weakened by the presence of the MTHFR mutation - as is Dempsey's.
With all the research I have read, the experience we've had with Dempsey, the learning from others who have chosen other paths to heal their children... my goal is to end Demspey's treatment early. I don't know what that means, exactly, or how that's going to play out. He has 9 months left and that is just too many. He has another infusion this coming Monday and we will discuss the process of beginning his follow-up care early, meaning putting an end to treatment and really focusing on detoxing his body, building up his gut microbiome, and strengthening his immune system that has been beat down since April of 2016.
Please be in prayer over this situation. We need prayer for the following:
- wisdom for ourselves
- peace for all parties
- grace from me to whoever speaks to me
- calm discussions
- an open heart and mind from the oncologist
- agreement to end treatment early
- a willingness from the doc to listen to our hearts about ending treatment
- we need God to continue leading us along this journey
- if the Lord chooses to keep doors closed then we ask that he provide peace for us (me)
- that any negative effects of this journey on Dempsey are mitigated and removed
- that we can open medical eyes to the power of holistic modalities that are currenlty ignored or lacking education
- strength for Jake and I to stand our ground, no matter what may come from a system created by man
- that God will be glorified
- for me to keep my gun-blazing mouth appropriate and gracious
- even tempers for all
- articulate presentation of our stance and desires
- the Holy Spirit leads