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Saturday, November 21, 2015

We Had A Moment

Dempsey called me in to the bathroom to help him finish up his potty business. When we were done getting his lower half re-dressed, I scooped him up. I was sitting on the edge of the bathtub and sat him facing me on my lap.

Dempsey: Don't fall off, Mom. You'll bonk you head.
Me: Where will I bonk my head?
Dempsey: pointing to the bathtub- On the baftub. You'd get owie.
Me: Are you worried about me hitting my head?
Dempsey: Yeah. And we don't know how to take you to da doctor.

That last one just killed me. Such a sweet boy. He is right, too. They don't know how to take me to the doctor. Well, Sawyer knows how to call 9-1-1 but I don't think that was what Dempsey was referring to. Sweet boy.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Eavesdropping On My Boys

As I was sitting in the living room, I could hear the boys talking in the playroom. I heard a discussion about God that went something like this:

Sawyer: Dempsey, did you know God is invisible?
Dempsey: What?
Sawyer: Yes! He's sitting right next to you.
Dempsey: Yeah.
Sawyer: isn't that awesome?
Dempsey: Yeah.
Sawyer: We can't see him.
Dempsey: He died for us. All our "sims" are gone, Soya.
Sawyer: That's right!

There was more exchange but I didn't catch all of it. I absolutely LOVE that these boys talk this way about God. So free. So real. So full of wonder. So faith-filled. It warms my heart.

Thank you so much for reaching my children at a heart level. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for walking with my Sawyer from such a young age. I pray that Dempsey will accept Jesus in the near future as well. I am grateful for the grace you lavish upon us so lovingly and without end. I pray that my boys will grow to have a deeper understanding of WHO you are and that it carries them through joyful times and times of sorrow. I pray that my children will have an impact on this world that is Kingdom-bringing and life changing for everyone they meet. Amen