Here we go... this is our SECOND Childhood Cancer Awareness month. It is still so surreal. How did we get here? How can this be our life? Why is this happening to our precious boy?
The answers are all the same: to bring glory to God.
How can you say that, Coral?
It's easier today than 17 months ago. You see, I've had 17 months of seeing God's fingerprints, his provision, him answering prayers, his Body mobilizing in monumental ways. I've seen God allow cancer to infiltrate my son's blood/ body and I've seen God walk this journey with us and allow Dempsey to thrive during his fight.
This world is broken, friends. So very broken. Sin did that. Sin took creation and separated it from its Creator. Sin caused death. Disease. Heartache. Confusion. Pain. Sin did that. As wonderful as humans can be, they can be equally as damaging- free will can be a blessing and a curse. Sin did that. When something is broken, do you expect it to work as if it wasn't?
As we stand in the time of Hurricane Harvey... the time when the state of Montana seems to be burning (quite literally)... the time when we feel so helpless because the great NEEDS of this world are smacking us in the face repeatedly on the news, in conversation, in hospital rooms, in our neighborhoods, on social media... we are overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by the perceived burdens of crisis. We look at this world through human lenses and it's too much. It is too much for us to fathom, let alone process.
Enter Christ.
Christ came to redeem creation. He left the Spirit behind to guide us, to fill us up with supernatural strength and abilities. God, the ever-loving Father, sent his son to redeem us, folks. Why, then, do we worry? We should walk every day in confidence that God KNOWS. He knows, you guys. None of this is a surprise to him. None of the pain that we are experiencing, trials we're facing, suffering that is happening is being wasted. It may feel like that to us. It sure does to me some days. However, God knows what's to come. He knows the end. He's already there. We still have to run the race in obedience and faith. Two of the HARDEST things to muster most of the time. Alas, that is what we are called to do.
Obedience in relation to cancer? Jeepers, Coral... what does that mean?
It means you DO it. You do it anyway. You walk a path you don't want to. You break when your humanity fails. You seek spiritual wisdom and guidance from people smarter than you. You ask for help from the Body that is designed to help you. You pray when you can. You don't pray when you can't. You walk hand in hand with faith.
Faith? Coral, your son has CANCER... how can you have faith in a God that allows that kind of suffering, let alone in children?
I know my Father. I have read scripture. I have sensed his presence. I have felt his communication. Scripture tells me that we are not guaranteed comfort. We are not guaranteed health. We are not guaranteed success. We are not guaranteed physical life. We are TOLD we will be persecuted. We are told that trouble WILL come. We are told that struggle, opposition, pain, suffering are all part of this life. Remember, sin did that. Scripture also tells us "he causes the rain to fall on the righteous and unrighteous alike". That means good things happen to good and bad people and bad things happen to bad and good people. We are not meant, not even capable, of understanding the fabric which God has designed. We have simply been offered the opportunity to partner with God as a thread in the tapestry.
I don't particularly like elements of my thread. I wish I could trade it for a different one... but what if that trade meant the tapestry was less glorious? Less impactful? Less holy? Is it worth the trade to sacrifice the tapestry for the comfort of one little thread?
So, as we walk through our second Childhood Cancer Awareness month, we say "THANK YOU!" Thank you to YOU. Thank you to GOD. We could not, would not, have the journey we're having without your love, prayers, and continued support. I hope my words throughout this blog give you some perspective, a clear view perhaps, of how impactful YOU have been for us. Your prayers give our spirits the ability to take the next step when we didn't know how we would/ could. Your money helps us provide for Dempsey in many ways. Your tangible gifts help the money go farther. Your presence in this journey with us gives us strength we wouldn't have without it. Where two or more are gathered in His name, he is with them. So true. So very, very true.
We are running low on some supplies.
Prayer requests:
pray against negative side effects
pray for peace
pray for courage
pray against demons that seek to prey on our minds and divide us
pray protection over our marriage
pray protection over every organ in Dempsey's body
pray wisdom into the doctors and medical staff
pray that God's glory continues to overflow from this journey
pray that we will be salt and light to this world
pray that our impact will be felt for generation to come
pray peace for our hearts
pray against PTSD and all the facets of anxiety
pray strength in our familial relationships
pray for confidence in our story- which is no one else's story
pray as the Spirit leads you