This morning I told the boys, "When I finish doing the dishes we're going to read Scripture."
I grabbed my Bible and we three sat on the couch to read and listen. I explained to Dempsey that what we were reading from was the very Bible his videos talk about. They have watched all of the What's in the Bible episodes and love them.
When I told him we were going to read the Bible he commented "Hey, like Grampa and Sawyer do." Melted my heart.
We commenced reading Mark 1. We were able to discuss baptism, driving out evil spirits, and healing leprosy.
I stopped here, thinking one chapter was a fair amount to start with. I was right as far as Dempsey was concerned. Sawyer wanted to keep reading.
Sawyer and I continued through Mark 2. We talked about Jesus healing a paralytic, fasting, and the righteous compared to "sinners".
Sawyer said, "I love these stories."
I love that he loves learning about Jesus!!