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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Little Boy in a Dark Room

Jake put Sawyer to bed around 9 tonight. He and I then began a 3 hour
long conversation to just catch up on life. Around midnight we hear
Dempsey saying "ouwie... ouwie" ever so faintly in his room.

I got up to go check on him. When Inpushed his door open I couldn't
find him right away. That was because he wasn't in his bed... or even
near it. He was across the room sitting cross-legged in front of a
combo toy (blocks like roller coasters and other activities). He was
just sitting there kinda crying.

I wondered if he was even really awake. Poor guy. I picked him up and
snuggle-rocked him back to sleep. Then placed him back in his bed all
bundled up and sleeping. We'll see how this goes.

I would have taken a picture because it was precious but it was too
dark. Use your imagination this once. :-)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Nap Time

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"Nap time. Someone is having a HARD time grasping the concept of a bed. #kenagyville #dempsey #bed #nap"