Because... brothers and chemotions.
Alone time.
Heck yes! I need all the help I can get from these little drops of goodness.
Crazy! Little Dude can twist his tongue sideways. Whaaaat?!
Marble Run
Lego Building
Two times EVERY SINGLE DAY for Dempsey! #hardcorehealth
Movie Night with Daddy and Sawyer.
Trying Mom's avodcado brownies. Yum!
Overnight road trip to Carlsbad...
Oils EVERY SINGLE NIGHT for Dempsey, no matter where we are!
Thankfully, essential oils are easy to transport. You can even carry them on a plane. ;-)
We lunched in our van at Legoland because ain't no way we're paying for
and eating amusement park food.
Post In n Out dinner drive home.
This is how this mama feels. LOL
Time with Granddad.
Because... feelings.
Mommy's word.
A visit from Sydney-girl. <3
She kissed Jake! Lol You can tell he loved it.
Kale, lemon, apple.
Headed to Nathan's send-off dinner.
Every. Single. Day. Folks.
What are you doing to help yourself with your health?
Husband's lovely gesture of love and thoughtfulness.
I made pickles!
Backyard harvest, one of many.
Teaching the boys about medicinal herbs via a board game.
Summer is for swimming!
I love me new gear!
Stay tuned for some Dempsey gear goodness. ;-)
It solves all the things.
VBS 2017
A sweet gift from sweet friends.
Smoothie batch-making.
Dempsey gets one of these EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.
Again, what are you doing to help yourself with your health?
Hair cut.
...and after.
Batman enjoys Baby Blues comics... just like Sawyer. ;-)
Infusion day- vincristine.
Yes, he wore his police costume... er, uniform... to his appointment.
This is the newest addition to the NeoLife product line up.
Y'all!! This is a GAME CHANGER for blood sugar issues!!!
Nightly chemo pill and Aloe Vera Plus (juice).
Dempsey was planning his own birthday party.
*CA through NV & AZ to UT -- UT to ID -- ID through OR to WA -- WA to OR -- OR to CA*
Boise River
Driving through Oregon.
Klamath Falls.
This penguin is made from TRASH collected from the ocean.
There were MANY other animal trash sculptures.
I love art with a cause/ purpose/ message.
Gram put a birthday celebration together for our boy since she and
Grampa won't be in CA for his actual birthday day.
Staying at the Eight Acre Farm in the Eight Acre Loft House.
Two of Dempsey's biggest fans.
Making blackberry freezer jam.
Mt. Hood from Trillium Lake
Life is short... DQ once in awhile.
Sawyer came back to the Loft House with 4 scrumptious homemade muffins from
Mrs. D at the Eight Acre Farm.
Lee Farms
Honey sticks made from local honey.
Enjoying more delicious muffins made by Mrs. D.
My most treasured paper plate.
Numbers 6:24-26
Leaving Oregon.
Chess on the iPad in the hotel. #brothers
Obligatory and enjoyable lunch stop once you've entered back into your homeland.
Santa Nella, CA location.