There isn't a lot to share, praise God. This journey continues to be pretty uneventful, smooth, and full of blessings from heaven.
Let me try and recap...
He had a procedure the week following his visit to the ER for that fever.
We said "good-bye" to our Lakota kitty.
We enjoyed learning/ playing a new game - DownSpin.
Sawyer was blessed with a few items off his Amazon wish list.
The boys experienced releasing doves at school.
We helped at our church's food bank.
The boys have so much fun on the trampoline!
Dempsey had his Make A Wish interview. It went well and it appears Dempsey is headed for a Disney cruise. However, we have had zero communication from Make A Wish since his interview.
We had a fun family trip to Knott's Berry Farm.
He got another cat scratch but it was superficial and didn't land him in the ER again, thanks to God.
WE GOT A PUPPY! Her name is Saoirse (SEER-shuh) and it is Irish for "liberty" or "freedom".
We attended our second NEGU Gala.
Saoirse continues to grow and so does our love for her.
We visited the Fullerton Arboretum.
There was a wedding.
we marked the 10th annivesary of my aunt's murder, our family's tragedy.
Another lumbar puncture.
A birthday party for Sawyer - #11!!
Dempsey loses his FIRST TOOTH (at Sawyer's party).
More Sawyer birthday fun with a friend, mini golf, lunch, and froyo.
More time with Tucker Endemano... teensie nephew (for now).
Mother's Day...
Acupuncture at Open Mind Modalities in Orange.
An ever-growing puppers.
And we closed out the school year with Called 2 Home co-op. 5th grade and 1st grade are in the books.
There's so much more to share...! I'll share the pics without any commentary. :-)
A Disneyland trip. Pool time with friends and a puppers in the pool. National Donut Day celebrated with a trip to Krispy Kreme. Fun as a pack at La Mirada Park. Dempsey lost TWO more teeth. Saoirse has lost teeth, too. An infusion a month. Two trips to Murphy Ranch Park with the doggy.
So much life has happened. Just normal life. Granted, there are still some self-imposed limits we adhere to - mainly regarding the food we consume. So many prayers prayed over our family. So many of them answered in ways we could never have imagined. Some prayers answered negatively, but we trust God's plan. Big things brewing.
God is good and faithful. If you don't know Jesus... I encourage you to meet him. He is the reason there is hope amid a cancer journey. He is the reason there is hope when this world makes no sense and seems so dark. There IS Light... that light willingly climbed up on a cross to cover your darkness with his rays of redeeming light. Nothing we can do can make him love us more... or love us less. What a gracious gift.