Fort making.
I love a Captain.
Arts, crafts, education from PMMC (Pacific Marine Mammal Center).
Dempsey rockin' it.
Sweet boy and his stuffed cheetah named Puppy. Go figure.
What's up Bats?
The Cap got a BIG box from his fans at JellyTelly.
Some of the loot is pictured below.
Someone sent him costumes!
Frumpy SpiderMan.
Is Superman in time out? Nah... he's being polite and knocking to see if someone is in there.
Superman has some vehicular options.
This is self-explanatory, right?
Sawyer enjoyed all three, I believe, water weekends at Eastside Christian Church.
We take ourselves seriously. Clearly.
Did you see that? Flash ran around the world!
Headed to CHOC for round two of four of HD MTX (high-dose methatrexate).
This is that four days in, ten days out situation.
Do they measure up? I think so.
All settled in his room and hooked up to his power tower.
I hate that thing.
Outside playing hockey with Sawyer... Daddy is frantically maneuvering that power tower.
Kindergarten! How did that happen?
He is so good at this.
CHOC playroom, Oncology Floor.
Music therapy with Lauren.
More CHOC playroom. These two guys (one in college, one in high school) want to be nurses because of the impact CHOC had on them personally.
When he gets tired he loves to snuggle up with his big Batman blanket Michelle gave him in April.
Dempsey showing me (via photo/ text) what he and Daddy were having for breakfast.
Always NEOLIFE Shakes.
Sawyer reading the book Lidy gave Dempsey in April.
We love Turtle Talk!
More outside time. It's good for the soul.
Sawyer playing football with Granddad.
Fighting cancer, chemotherapy, being attached to a power tower can wear you out.
Detox bath... lots of detox baths.
Oral hygiene is a big deal.
He mad a heart. Precious.
More books and brothers.
Waiting for his quesadilla to "ding".
Aw, Victoria. We love her so much. One of our favorite CAs.
Showing how special he feels that someone invited us to Family Night, complete with FREE pizza.
And a photo op with Snow White.
And craftiness.
Please don't take up golf... I hate golf. If you must...
Silly siblings.
Battle with bats.
Praise God we're going home!
Josh Groban = longest date night ever for Mommy and Daddy.
Much needed. Glorious. His voice...!!!
And he's running... AGAIN!
My first baby. My biggest baby. My fuzzy-butt, Kamatz.
Making his own smoothie! Train them up...
Empowering him to take charge of his health is of uptmost importance.
The aftermath of Sawyer's first Youth Kicks soccer game.
They lost. It's okay... they had fun.
I don't remember where we were going.
Who cares, we look good doing it.
Brothers and a new Wii game- Super Mario Bros Galaxy 2.
Dempsey spent some of his birthday money.