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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

End of Day 2

As I sit at home, I am reflecting on the rest of the day, post-op. Here are the blessings:

  • I had several wonderful hours with our Dempsey boy
  • His ear pain was managed with just Tylenol
  • His labs are showing marked improvement
  • His attitude was much more in line with WHO Dempsey IS... as we've always known him
  • Bath was tough, but a success and helped him feel clean and good
  • He slept, and slept, and slept post-op which I believe was a great benefit to all of us
  • Jake was able to be away from the hospital for several hours to handle non-CHOC life of his own, shower, process, etc
  • Granny and Granddad (Coral's parents) visited TWICE; one of those times they brought our Sawyer, an absolute treat to spend time together as a family for the first time since life jumped tracks.
  • Sawyer was loved, cared & provided for my grandparents and a SUPER GENEROUS friend who took Sawyer, along with her kiddos, to the LA Arboretum's Science Camp. This was Day 1 and she conveyed that Sawyer liked it "medium". He cracks me up! Her too.
  • Jake was able to spend time with Sawyer and the grandparents this evening over dinner and just time together. I'm sure it did him good.
  • Jessica, our day nurse, spoke to Dempsey over the intercom and he responded... totally without parental help and it was a correct and short exchange. Perfection. This shows a level of trust between Dempsey and Jessica and that he is comfortable enough there (bittersweet reality).
  • A team effort was had at building the Lego set containing the all-important Bat Mobile that Bryan G lovingly supplied. Can't wait to tackle the other sets he blessed Dempsey with as well.
  • Carisa (my bestie) and her husband Chad came to visit and brought a psyche-saving drink (Chai Frap) from Starbucks and we had some good time together, although Jake was gone for that.
  • We are learning. A lot. That can never be a bad thing.
The struggles since the ear tube surgery:
  • Being limited in bath time activity- Dempsey has to have his hands covered in such a way as to protect all his IVs ("power cords"- my terminology to make this as fun as possible) and that limits mobility and such.
  • Painful removal of tape that was helping to protect "power cords" but was "super big owie" to take off.
  • The need for oral meds... I think this is because he tested positive for Influenza B.
  • Room visitors had to wear masks- thankfully not gowns too
  • Trying not to live too much in fear of what tomorrow (today, Wednesday) holds
  • Our schedule being thrown completely for a loop
As you can see, it seems that the good outweighs the bad for the rest of the day post-op.

Lord, we are grateful for the blessings you have provided and continue to place in our path. I pray that we have the eyes to see them, the heart to receive them, and the appreciation that they deserve. I pray that we will be emotionally appropriate and real throughout this journey. I ask that you help us be strong for Dempsey always but not at the expense of honesty and truth. I pray that we will remain his refuge and his advocates/ defenders while balancing his budding independence in his own journey. I ask that the doctors you provide for us will always respect our wishes and that there is not a misplaced ego anywhere. Keep us teachable and discerning. Guide our steps, our words, our thoughts. Protect our baby. Protect our hearts, our marriage, our minds, our bodies. Help us to lean on each other as we lift our eyes toward Heaven for guidance. May we always shine YOUR light and touch those who need it. Help us to never miss a Divine appointment moment because of self-pity. We give you mountains of thanks and praise for the way you have mobilized your Body to rally around us. It is humbling, heart-wall crumbling, awe shoveling. Amen


  1. It is beautiful to see God's loving care played out in your journey. 💞 Romans 8:28
    Continued prayers for each thing weighing upon your heart. 🙏🏼
    God is in your midst, always working behind the scenes, He loves you. ✝
