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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Journey | Closing Out Monday

So, we are closing out our first 24 hrs at CHOC. It seems like an eternity since we arrived.

Here's some news:
Dempsey's second transfusion went well. Praise God. He will receive a third shortly.
He tested positive for influenza so he is now on oral meds to help shorten the duration.
He will have tubes put in his ears tomorrow (Tues) to help drain the fluid and infection that started us on the road to discovery. To think, just 4 days ago I was working to not have tubes put in. Perspective is a tricky thing.
Still no firm diagnosis of the specific type of leukemia.
He bathed today and seemed to enjoy it despite having Hulk hands.
He had a good appetite as well.
His spirits were pretty high.
Demps has IVs in both arms, a bp cuff around his leg, and an O2 monitor on his toe. IT'S TOO MUCH!!

I (Coral) left CHOC for about 12 hours. A friend drove me home and on the way we stopped by my parent's house so I could see and talk with Sawyer. I filled him in on Dempsey and the situation so he is all caught up with most details. He is praying for his brother from a place of love, concern, and worry. Sawyer will be attending a science camp at the LA Arboretum thanks to the generosity of a good friend. He is excited about it and I can't wait to hear about it.

I was able to shower, nap, handle some non-CHOC life stuff, and pack some more necessities for hospital living. I also had another emotional breakdown. One in a long line, I imagine.

It was bittersweet to be at home. The scenery was warm and comforting but the silence was heart-breaking. Oh to hold my baby inside the loving walls of our home again! I cannot describe the anguish that accompanies the knowledge that I can't do that for a long time. Please carry me through that deep, dark place with prayer.
I was able to talk to Dempsey over the phone and he seemed happy and verbal.

Jake was WONDERFUL with Dempsey today. Keeping him occupied, bathing him, loving on him like only Daddy can do. Pray for strength for Jake. Pray also that we can PARTNER well in this horrific journey.

Texts, emails, comments are all welcome. Please know that phone calls will be answered for a very small number of people. We wish we could talk to each of you but that just can't happen right now.

We are still working to formulate a tangible list of ways you can help. We are grateful for your deep love and generous hearts.


  1. Woke up thinking of and praying for you all. Hugs.

  2. Continuing to pray for your family and all the requests you mentioned. xoxo

  3. Praying for you all and for healing for precious Dempsey. Love you Coral and Jake!

  4. I thought of Dempsey often during the day yesterday, and when I did, I prayed. Praying for healing, praying for comfort; praying for you, Jake, and Sawyer. Waiting to hear how we can help you in a tangible way.

  5. his little smile in the background in the pic with Jake just melts me....God bless his precious heart.

  6. Praying for all of you throughout the day.
