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Saturday, April 9, 2016


Another transfusion.
A lot more meds (doses of the same)- we added Benadryl.
Increased frequency of dilaudid (narcotic pain med) instead of increased dose. *Did you know gingers metabolize certain things faster than most?
Increased leg pain- cancer cells in your bones will do that.
"Super owie hurt" because some genius taped his port tube more than they should have so when they draw labs it's the adhesive that hurts, not the draw itself.
Family time with Granny, Granddad, and Sawyer. Did Jake's heart good to see Sawyer and show him around the hospital. Floor 2 is pretty cool, just saying.
Dempsey hasn't eaten much today.
Dempsey has had a low grade fever today, hence the extra lab draws. Tylenol seems to be helping.
Dempsey moved his bowels today. This is a BIG deal. With the increase in narcotic use constipation is a real concern.
Jake hooked up the Wii and even played with Dempsey. Sweet images in my brain and on my heart. Another blessing for Jake.
Our house was cleaned by amazing fairies this morning.
Jake is currently away embracing the self-care notion with my whole-hearted support.
Nothing new reported by doctors. This is a good thing as we are in wait-and-see mode with antibiotics and his secondary infection.
His rash (antibiotic allergy most likely) is maintaining and not worsening. However, he did start to scratch it ever so slightly. We are monitoring it as well.
Dempsey has not thrown up.
I had to be Mom today. There was a bit of stern talking happening because although he is suffering, frustrated, angry, hurting, and who knows what else... he still doesn't get to be disrespectful to parents. Nurses encourage parents to maintain as much normalcy with the kids as possible because, believe it or not, that is comforting to the kids- knowing boundaries- and it helps keep life running smoother over the transition our of hospital into our new "normal" of life.
Doctors have been pleasantly surprised, if not down right shocked, by how we parent, our method of informing Dempsey about happenings (we front load our boys as much as possible so that they are prepared for what happens instead of lying to them, telling them all will be well and having sh** hit the fan, thus breaking trust). The tell me "You're doing so well, mama."
Jake and I seem to have found a rhythm in regards to our self-care time. Since he can sleep at the hospital (don't know how) and I cannot, I go home in the wee hrs of the morning to sleep in our bed. God bless him!
Dempsey just peed himself because he was sleeping and moving him to pee is so painful. I just let it happen and am URGING the CN assistants to wake and bathe him instead of me trying to help him and cause him pain and then have to bathe him later which will be PAINFUL. Lord, help us!

The day isn't done but this post needs to be.


  1. Thank you again for the detail. It helps understand the complexities of all this. Many continue to pray.

  2. Words are hard to find. May God give you strength and courage to get through today. Know that you are surrounded by many who interceding on your behalf. May you feel the love.

  3. Words are hard to find. May God give you strength and courage to get through today. Know that you are surrounded by many who interceding on your behalf. May you feel the love.

  4. You are doing so well Coral and I'm so glad you are processing with us, so we know how to pray.

  5. You are doing so well Coral and I'm so glad you are processing with us, so we know how to pray.

  6. You guys are doing so well. Thank you for sharing so much. It really helps us understand more what you guys are going through and how we can help. Praying
