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Monday, May 2, 2016

First Clinic Infusion

This afternoon Dempsey had his first OPI (out patient infusion) clinic visit. It's in the same building where he had his first clinic visit for labs/ blood draw. This appointment went well. PRAISE GOD!! More answered prayers.


We have figured out that the numbing cream we put on Dempsey's port area is most efficient if it's on longer than an hour. This visit was less stressful, overall, than the blood draw. It seemed like Little Dude has zero pain and his only frustration was the wait.... oh, and if someone got in the way of him playing his games on his iphone.

It seems as though Dempsey will be a Monday guy. That means most of his clinic appointments will be on Mondays. Kinda ruins my work schedule but we'll see about switching that around when the time comes.

When we got to the reception desk, the woman working it asked for the patient's name. When we said "Dempsey" she goes "Ooooo, I've heard so much about you." What?! We've never been here before and Dempsey's reputation proceeds him? Thankfully it was a positive thing. Turns out TWO people had shared how precious he was. On Friday, as they were discussing Monday's patients, Dana (his first clinic nurse- amazing!) told the staff "Oh, he is just the sweetest, cutest little boy." Then, when Courtney (today's nurse we had one day when in-patient) saw she had him on her agenda today she told people "Oh yay, he's coming in today! This boy is adorable." I love that the nurses all love and adore my baby. He doesn't realize what a catch he is... but the world does. *happy dance*

We are thankful that his future appointments are earlier in the day.

Prayer requests:
Pray against negative side effects
Pray against complications
Pray protection over his little body
Pray increased strength for his steroid-ridden muscles/ joints
Pray pain away from his previously cancer-filled bones
Pray for his emotions- he doesn't know what he's feeling but I know he's a ball of emotion (it breaks my heart that he can't express what he's feeling yet)
Pray against fear
Pray for determination
Pray he uses his anger and frustration to push himself
Pray for a smooth journey through to cancer's end
Pray for our support structure as it will be well-used by the end of this journey
Pray that we can get the needed items for his physical therapy FAST (pediatric walker/ special tryke)
Pray that the insurance hiccups are addressed and fixed accurately and expeditiously
Pray that God goes before him in all of his appointments and procedures to smooth out any potential kinks or bumps



  1. Think of you all daily. I pray whenever you guys cross my mind and heavy heart. I know I'm far....but if you need anything, holla!! Hugs. Love. And strength.

  2. So happy everything went well. Dana is the best! We love her!
