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Friday, September 16, 2016

Coming Up

This morning Gram visits! We are all so excited. Me especially because that means I get to escape, I mean regrettably leave, the house these afternoon. *wink, wink* Jake and Sawyer have plans to attend the Angel game tonight with a dear friend, Jeremiah. There will be In n Out, I assume, and a lot of fun. Sawyer will come home exhausted and happy. Jake will come home fulfilled by bonding time with Sawyer, friend time with Jeremiah, and just being not at home for a few hours. Dempsey is elated at the thought of having Gram all to himself. I believe the beach with a dear friend awaits me. I will be back in plenty of time to handle bath, oils, pill, and bed time.

Tomorrow Sawyer does not have a soccer game. I also completely spaced on getting him to his ONE practice this Monday... hey, it was a HARD journey last week that spilled over into this one.

*UPDATE* This Sunday Sawyer and I will be moving to the 5pm service on Sundays. My parents' church location is changing and the time is no longer compatible with our attending the 11am service. Since my folks watch Dempsey, we have to adjust for them. Change will be challenging and we'll manage. Plus, it's like the most laid back service of the four. Sweet. So, if you think we've stopped attending WACC... we haven't. You can find us at the 5pm service, making room for newbies or people who plan their church-going around football. *wink, wink*
Sunday is also what? BURGER DAY!!

MONDAY Dempsey has a lab draw at 8am to make sure his counts are good enough to go inpatient on Tuesday. He also has an Echo scheduled for 9am. This is a short appointment and I believe it's routine... making sure that his heart is surviving the mass amounts of drugs being pumped into him. I'm not worried about his heart, or his body, because I know the quality and amount of NEOLIFE nutrients Dempsey is ingesting EVERY SINGLE DAY. Between the carotenoids, vitamin E, and protein he's getting, I know his heart is protected. However, never hurts to check!
Please pray:
That Monday's appointments go well
For travel mercies
For competent nurses and doctors
For good levels (labs)
For excellent (min-blowing) results from his echo
For calm nerves
That Dempsey shines the Light so bright wherever he goes
For miraculous healing and miracles
As you feel led

Sawyer has soccer practice Monday afternoon. Pray for a good, safe practice and that I don't forget again.

TUESDAY-FRIDAY Dempsey is scheduled to go inpatient for his FOURTH and final round of high-dose methatrexate. This works the same as all the other rounds: 6 hrs fluid push, 24 hrs infusion of HD MTX, 48 hrs of flushing, charting his urine output, and four lab draws to make sure the HD MTX gets out of his body so we can go home as scheduled on Friday. Praise God there is no lumbar puncture this time so we shouldn't have the blood sugar issue we had last time.
Please pray:
For miraculous healing and miracles
For a pleasant time at CHOC again
That we can be salt and light to this hospital, its staff, and it's patients (families)
That we will cultivate the seeds of relationships we've been planting since April
That we will be sensitive to Divine appointments and the Spirit's leading
That Dempsey will be brave and his fun-loving self
For perfect results, always
Protection over every part of Dempsey's little growing body
For calm nerves and peace
Against negative side effects
That we can sense God's presence and see His fingerprints on this journey
That we continue to be postitive examples in all areas of life
As you feel led

FRIDAY Sawyer is set to start his Clinic Classes at BIOLA with their PSP. We are so excited about this new journey, despite the added stressful overlay of Dempsey's cancer journey. We are greatful for God's protection and provision regarding our homeschooling path for this year. We were all set to go with BIOLA before our previous homeschool program was destroyed by a corporate-like takeover. God is so good! We are happy that quite a few of our friends are joining us at BIOLA this year, too. Cannot wait to see who God has waiting for me in this new endeavor. Exciting.

Prayer requests:
Pray for miraculous healing
Pray against negative side effects
Pray for miracles in general
Pray for miraculous healing of ALL kids on the 5th floor (or at CHOC in general)
Pray protection over every part of Dempsey's body
Pray for continued "health" and overall wellness for Dempsey during this journey
Pray for stamina/ strength for me and Jake
Pray protection over Sawyer and his brother-heart
Pray for strength and resources for our support network- God's economy is beyond our comprehension
Pray for a smooth 4th and final round of HD MTX
Pray that Dempsey will continue to boggle medical minds
Pray that God uses us as salt and light in such a dark and hopeless place
Pray that we can advance the Gospel and bring the Hope to CHOC (and everyone who is touched by Dempsey's journey)
Pray that we will always be willing to share what we are doing with others so they can have a journey like ours
Pray God does BIG things with Dempsey's journey
Pray that we don't waste one iota of what's happening
Pray that we always have eyes to see HIS orchestration and an obedient spirit to follow HIS leading
Pray as you feel led

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