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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Grateful for Medical Staffers

Before I go to bed, I wanted to take some minutes and type out my gratitude for the medical staff we have have been surrounded by.

They work 'round the clock in 12 hr shifts. Shift change occurs around 7:30am/pm. Pray for these angels. They are the ones who willingly take the brunt of so many negative, yet valid,  emotions from patients and their loved ones. I can see how it would be easy to take them each for granted or treat them as your servants instead of seeing them as loving individuals whose goal is to support the patient (and loved ones) to the best of their ability and get them the heck off the floor or out of the CHOC world. That last bit means get the patient healthy.

I am so grateful that there are women and men who have answered the call to fill these positions. It's not an easy job. There are those that love their patients as if they were family. Those are the ones that go home after a tough shift and breakdown because they've had to hold it in all day to show strength and hope to people. Those are also the ones that celebrate the joys and smallest victories with their patients as well because they know EVERYTHING hangs on those small wins.

The CAs (clinical assistants) are some of my favorite people on this floor. They get the not-so-fun jobs of logging and cleaning the patients output (a.k.a. pee and poo). They are marvelous people who work to make our son laugh, offer him help, always offer to get us whatever we need, etc. They make the beds, bring us linens and supplies for bath time, and come when we push the little red button (it works like the Batphone). One of our recent ones, Felix, even fancifies the bed sheets! I learned today that he used to work in a hotel prior to working this position. Assuming Ivan is stringing us along, I can believe Felix worked in a hotel. How? Because he folded the sheets in an artsy way. I jokingly told Ivan today that I felt gipped because we didn't get any swan-shaped towels. He chuckled.

The nurses are all incredible. Not once have I felt we were getting substandard care. It's especially amazing when my friend's cousin, Katie, stopped by early on in our stay to introduce herself, say hello, and pray with me before she left. God's provision for sure. She has since been our nurse and not been our nurse but stops by almost every shift she has to check in on Dempsey (and us). Each of the nurses we've had have stopped by at least once when we weren't their patient. They just care for Dempsey that much.

The doctors have a super tough job. They are in charge of the treatment plan and execution for these precious bodies. That cannot be easy. It is hard to see people younger than myself in charge of my baby's care, not gonna lie. Sometimes I wonder if people who don't have kids can fully respect what it is to be in our shoes. I doubt it. But I know they are part of a BIG team that does have people who have been where we are, or have been around it long enough to "get it". No one person is calling all the shots. That is a good thing. There is a lot of input from many specialists going into formulating Dempsey's treatment. Sometimes this means getting answers takes a little longer... many opinions to coordinate. Again, though, they have all been professional and we extend grace to the newbies who are learning from seasoned professionals at this marvelous teaching hospital.

Child Life professionals are some of our favorites. The services and support they provide are vital to the success of care. They entertain, educate, counsel, sit with, encourage, and so much more. We know Ashley best. This amazing woman not only devotes time, energy, emotion into our family and many others, but she also has a daughter with many health challenges of her own. That little 7 month old baby has had several surgeries and a prognosis that is hopeful but not "normal". Yet, here her mother is handling her special care like a boss while helping so many other families walk their own tedious tight ropes.

I'm telling you, we were meant to be at CHOC. Not a day goes by that I think otherwise. Please join us in praying for these marvelous creatures. Pray for their hearts, minds, bodies, families, etc. Pray that they may feel our gratitude even when we forget to voice it. Pray our room is always a safe place for them to find respite and joy. Pray that our family can point them all to Christ. Pray that their needs are being met and they are blessed beyond reason. We would not have the story we currently have without them. We are GRATEFUL! We are blessed and we know it.

*Disclaimer: I shouldn't name names because I don't want people to feel left out. Just know we love each and every staff member we have me so far.

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