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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Puzzle Pieces

This is a prayer I prayed FOUR YEARS AGO.

Today I ask for increased discernment. In a world where we are bombarded with information, PLEASE help me to see that which is true and share it. Help me to share in loving ways and not ways wrapped in condescencion. I pray that my mind will be open to logical dialogue and my flesh will not be prone to emotional reaction, which can alter significant impact. I pray that you place before my eyes that which you want me to see so I may learn and grow in wisdom and conviction.
I pray for the hearts, minds, eyes, and voices of my fellow Christians. I pray that we will embark on meaningful discussion knowing full well our opinions and views will not be shared or even welcomed by all we encounter. I pray that you will give us courage to stand strong in our convictions and do so with love and the utmost level of integrity.
Forgive when I fail and fall into sin. I pray that you would rescue me from myself and allow others to be positively impacted by my life.

It was prayed amid my Holistic Nutritionist certification process.
It was prayed 10 months prior to Dempsey's diagnosis.
It was prayed before God showed us our new  mission field - CHOC & the cancer realm.
It was prayed from a genuine heart space and it was answered continuously as we walked Dempsey's journey.
It is even being answered as we march on post treatment.
It was prayed in the past but is still very true in the present.

Have you ever prayed a prayer that is years old but still applies to your life today? Isn't it wonderful how God is faithful to answer our prayers - even if his answers come in ways and times we would not choose? He is ALWAYS WITH US and continues to surprise me, although I shouldn't be surprised by him - he is the only true constant.

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