I am not okay with this!
This, to me, symbolizing a failing on my part. A failing that I thought I would avoid... a failing that allowed my son to fall victim to a side effect of all the synthietic POISON that has coursed through his veins.
I am not okay with this!
I remained calm in Dempsey's presence, making sure to play it off as no big deal so he would let us do whatever we needed to do to help him. He is such a trooper. He didn't complain of pain or discomfort regarding the sore until I applied some pretty good pressure to the main ulceration. I was surprised... because it looks rather gnarly. Which begs the question... HOW DID WE MISS THIS LAST NIGHT? Or, did we miss this last night? Was it even there?
We are in his mouth, brushing his teeth, every day. So how did we not see this? Are they so elusive and their formation so expeditious that it all happened in a matter of hours? What the heck?!?!
I took this photo this morning... it looks a little better already.
Can it be that our cloak of protection and hard work has a hole in it? Unacceptable. We need to patch it up quick and get Dempsey's little body back as close to 100% as possible.
This sore... another smack to my face brought to me by Cancer and its treatment. I effing hate cancer. I hate cancer treatment even more than I hate cancer. Did you know most deaths attributed to cancer aren't really from the cancer at all? They are from the treatment of the cancer. Sit with that for awhile, okay?
The Plan: Dempsey will swish and ingest NeoLife's Aloe Vera Plus frequently until his little body heals itself and sends this lone sore back to the depths from where it came. We will topically apply doTERRA's lavender and frankincense oils to his gums 3-4x per day until this loathsome intruder of a sore has been dealt with. We will up his immune-boosting supplies (doTERRA's Protective Blend, NeoLife's Carotenoids, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, All-C, Vita-Gard, etc). I will even try to sneek in extra garlic to his foods to help cleanse his blood and address other issues like bacteria, viruses, etc.
This is our boy this morning. Just a normal 5 1/2 year old chillin' on a couch, reading.
Prayer requests:
pray against negative side effects
pray for swift healing
pray for no pain
pray for wisdom
pray for peace
pray for our financial resources
pray for our marriage
pray protection over our emotion hearts
pray protection over every organ in Dempsey's body
pray as you feel led
Wow! I had no idea. Thank you for your honesty and sharing of this recent event, Coral. Father God has made you brave, and it's inspiring. I know that probably doesn't make you feel better, but please know God points people to your family's story and reminds them that His courage can bring such powerful change and light into some very dark places. May your weekend be restful and filled with joyful memories with your hubby & sons. ~*~ Harmony