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Sunday, April 17, 2016

He's More Than His (Red) Hair

I am writing this post from a place of mother's concern.

It is no secret that chemo patients most often lose their hair. Dempsey will most likely be no exception. We have heard he will lose all of his hair and we have heard he will just have it thin out significantly. Either way, I am praying that the praise and adoration he receives because of his hair will not have imprinted on his heart that this is his identity. It's not.

His hair is PART of who he is and a rather shallow part at that. Hair is an external feature that changes. I fear for him when he starts to lose his hair. I fear that people will say things like "Where'd your beautiful hair go?" or "I miss your red hair." Being four years old this may not have such a big impact on him but you just never know.

I want people to realize he is MORE than his hair!

He is thoughtful. Kind. Sweet. Smart. Loving. Caring. Articulate. Athletic. Patient. Feisty. Strong. Capable. Curious. Methodical. Funny. Sassy. Encouraging. Competitive. Generous. Respectful. Well-mannered. Friendly. Likable. Considerate. Charming. Polite. Sensitive. Adventurous. Hard-working. Brave. Independent. Cooperative. Honest. Humble. Sharing. Mature. Pleasant. Sweet. Affectionate. Attentive. Determined. Easygoing. Innocent. Happy. Prayerful. Cute. Cuddly. Gentle. Inclusive. Passionate. Compassionate. Daring. Balanced. Courageous. Helpful. Resourceful. Joyous. Bright-eyed. Enthusiastic... and so much more!!

It is my hope that people will keep these words in their hoppers (forefront of mind) for when he starts to lose his hair. These characteristics are far more valuable and important than the color of his hair. It is my prayer that, although he has gorgeous red hair, that his hair will never be his identity. It's okay as an identifier but he is so much more than his (red) hair.

Please pray that this part of his journey will not leave emotional or psychological scars but instead serve to boost his confidence about WHO his is and WHOSE he is.


  1. Well said, Coral.
    Just know that even if I don't often comment, I DO read every one of your posts - usually the same day you've posted. Keeping up to keep Dempsey and you all in my thoughts and prayers. I'm checking my calendar for a day I can do platelets. Probably next week.

  2. Thank you, Arleen. It means a lot to know people are still praying and reading.

  3. I love his personality and his heart. The hair was just his putter appearance. His heart is much bigger and everlasting and beautiful. I miss him on Sunday's! I pray for the day he walks back into Sunday school.

  4. Coral, very well said. We are all more than our outer selves. Our bodies all age, change and eventually go away. We are left with what our Father has made us on the inside. Therefore, we are only as wonderful as we submit to our Father and allow him to break us and mold us. Dempsey has already begun this process. As you so elequantely said, he is so much more than his beautiful red hair! I'm praying that his light shines so bright that no one notices he doesn't have his hair!

  5. I love it...thank you for the important words and thoughts to keep on our minds with Dempsey and each other!

  6. I love it...thank you for the important words and thoughts to keep on our minds with Dempsey and each other!

  7. Coral, I just want to also say that even if I don't comment to your posts, I do read them daily and continue to pray. Dempsey is on the forefront of my mind. Just can't shake that little cutie - he - and you and Jake and Sawyer - are on my mind and in my prayers throughout the day.

  8. Wow, Coral. This is an amazing post.
