Biggest Need


It's not glamorous. It's not pretty. It's not fun. It's not creative. It's not ingenious. It's not smart. It's not comical.

It is endearing. It is powerful. It is helpful. It is necessary. It is provision. It is humbling. It is impactful. It is peace-providing.

You have two ways you can give: YouCaring & PayPal

Saturday, November 21, 2015

We Had A Moment

Dempsey called me in to the bathroom to help him finish up his potty business. When we were done getting his lower half re-dressed, I scooped him up. I was sitting on the edge of the bathtub and sat him facing me on my lap.

Dempsey: Don't fall off, Mom. You'll bonk you head.
Me: Where will I bonk my head?
Dempsey: pointing to the bathtub- On the baftub. You'd get owie.
Me: Are you worried about me hitting my head?
Dempsey: Yeah. And we don't know how to take you to da doctor.

That last one just killed me. Such a sweet boy. He is right, too. They don't know how to take me to the doctor. Well, Sawyer knows how to call 9-1-1 but I don't think that was what Dempsey was referring to. Sweet boy.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Eavesdropping On My Boys

As I was sitting in the living room, I could hear the boys talking in the playroom. I heard a discussion about God that went something like this:

Sawyer: Dempsey, did you know God is invisible?
Dempsey: What?
Sawyer: Yes! He's sitting right next to you.
Dempsey: Yeah.
Sawyer: isn't that awesome?
Dempsey: Yeah.
Sawyer: We can't see him.
Dempsey: He died for us. All our "sims" are gone, Soya.
Sawyer: That's right!

There was more exchange but I didn't catch all of it. I absolutely LOVE that these boys talk this way about God. So free. So real. So full of wonder. So faith-filled. It warms my heart.

Thank you so much for reaching my children at a heart level. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for walking with my Sawyer from such a young age. I pray that Dempsey will accept Jesus in the near future as well. I am grateful for the grace you lavish upon us so lovingly and without end. I pray that my boys will grow to have a deeper understanding of WHO you are and that it carries them through joyful times and times of sorrow. I pray that my children will have an impact on this world that is Kingdom-bringing and life changing for everyone they meet. Amen

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Before Bed Story

My heart be still. These boys have so many ups and downs throughout the day and just when you think all the goodness has turned to tears, wailing, self-loathing, and that "fake" cry seasoned parents know all too well... THIS!!! Pirate Vader reading There's a Wocket in my Pocket to Little Vader. When Sawyer finished reading he received a round of applause from Dempsey. It was precious. Family dynamics are a trip.

#brothers #kenagyville #vaderjammies #piratehat #drseuss #theresawocketinmypocket #reading #life #school #emotions #boys #bestfriends #worstenemies #myboys #myheart #blessings #messyhousehappykids #gotobedsoDaddyandIcanhavesometime

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Cute Phrase

I had been sitting near the air conditioner, so my hands were cold.

Dempsey was waiting for me to finish up his potty business.

I put my cold hands on his legs and he squealed.

He said, "Oh, thanks for colding me, Mom."

Love it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

1st Day of Preschool


After MONTHS of asking "Am I going to skuwl?", we finally enrolled Dempsey in preschool at Hillcrest (where Sawyer did preschool).

Today is his first day. These are the photos I got. 1: at home before leaving, 2: a shot of his "jet pack", 3: in this class.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Mark 1 & 2

This morning I told the boys, "When I finish doing the dishes we're going to read Scripture."

I grabbed my Bible and we three sat on the couch to read and listen. I explained to Dempsey that what we were reading from was the very Bible his videos talk about. They have watched all of the What's in the Bible episodes and love them.

When I told him we were going to read the Bible he commented "Hey, like Grampa and Sawyer do." Melted my heart.

We commenced reading Mark 1. We were able to discuss baptism, driving out evil spirits, and healing leprosy.

I stopped here, thinking one chapter was a fair amount to start with. I was right as far as Dempsey was concerned. Sawyer wanted to keep reading.

Sawyer and I continued through Mark 2. We talked about Jesus healing a paralytic, fasting, and the righteous compared to "sinners".

Sawyer said, "I love these stories."

I love that he loves learning about Jesus!!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Sayings from Today

I braided my hair after shower. Dempsey sees it and exclaims "I LOVE YOUR HAIR, MOM! It's really cool." 💙

I put Demps in Sawyer's SW VBS costume. He says to me, "I think I don't love this."

Friday, August 7, 2015


After Dempsey finished his dinner of pizza, he got up from the table with a big grin on his face as he leisurely stepped toward the kitchen in a backwards fashion.

Jake called him on it and said "Where you goin'?" Picture it said all drawn out and with a cheeky grin. Dempsey responded with a bigger grin.

As Dempsey moved toward the kitchen, nearing the pony wall, he said, smiling, "Oohhhh, I was going to the.... playroom." He then took three steps down the hall in the direction of the playroom, turned round, and ran into the kitchen.

Jake and I both belly laughed!

That kid is hilarious! See, we knew he wanted the chocolates that were in the kitchen but the fact that he thought to use misdirection really tickled us. It was one of those times where you wished you were videotaping all of life from all angles because it was classic.

A few moments later he came back out, hands on hips, grin on his face, and as he stood in the kitchen doorway said something along the lines of "Where are they?"

I told him they were on the counter. Jake told him he would need his chair. Dempsey grabbed his chair to go harvest his two chocolates for dessert.

This is the result.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

This is Love

Sawyer reached as far as his arm would reach so that he could give me this thoughtful note.

"I love you, Mommy."

On the back were two hearts by Sawyer and a green contribution from Dempsey. I assume it is a line of healing and love.

Sawyer said, "I want you to have this so you feel happy because being happy will make you feel better."

Such tender hearts! I am BLESSED!

Friday, July 31, 2015

Reading Time

Sawyer is reading to Dempsey from The Jesus Storybook Bible. They decided on the story about Jesus being tempted in the desert.

Sawyer: Dempsey, do you see the snake?!
Dempsey: Yeah!
Sawyer: Do you know who the snake is?
Dempsey: No.
Sawyer: Say satan.
Dempsey: Satan.
Sawyer: Do you remember at Granny and Granddad's house, the God guy and the Bad guy?
Dempsey: Yeah.
Sawyer: The snake, he's the bad guy.
Dempsey: Ooohhh.

I love brotherly conversations. It warms my heart to hear and watch Sawyer teach Dempsey. Dempsey just eats it up, too.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Brave Boys

I am so proud of my boys! They handle fear and scary situations with grace and better composition than most adults.

I know a lot of that is due to WHO they are but I am going to assume some credit for this.


Because I heeded some wisdom from my mom and applied it to my children.

My mom always used to say it was important and good to "front load" kids with information. Information about what was coming. Warning them of pain that was coming, sensations that were new/ strange to them. Expressing my expectations of behavior and character.

Why is this a wise method? Simply because it builds trust.

Trust? Yes, trust.

Imagine someone telling you "It will be fine" or "It's not going to hurt" or my personal fave "There's nothing to worry about." As if one person has any clue as to what the other MIGHT be feeling in any given situation.

So, apply any of those phrases to a situation of getting a tooth pulled. Instead of preparing the child for what was to come people lie to them. That doesn't build trust.

Not me. Not my husband. We have always given what other adults think is too much information.

Examples from Kenagyville are as follows:
Dempsey getting a stitch on his forehead. I told him there would be pain. It WILL hurt for a little while and then all better. I explained the needle and suture process. He cried, a little bit. He was prepared. He held so still and took deep breaths. I was impressed!

Sawyer getting his first tooth extracted. I explained what was going to happen. When what I explained actually happened, he was confident and prepared. We built trust.

Dempsey getting his head stapled. Sawyer getting his head glued. Dempsey getting drops in his eye. Sawyer having his hearing tested.

Moral of the story- don't treat children as if they are dumb. Equip them with knowledge and prepare them for REALITY. It works. Not only does it work, it also makes the medical pros go "wow... I've never had a kid this calm..." :-)

Friday, July 24, 2015


Here are some memories from this week at VBS @ WACC.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


"The water keeps coming out."

This is how Dempsey says "tears".

Sunday, July 5, 2015


Our family was blessed by attending Adventure Week at Grace EV Free in La Mirada two weeks ago. What a blast! Dinner as a family each night, both boys were learning Scripture in fun and creative ways, the music was original and amazing, AND the parents got to enjoy each others company on the patio- complete with the Parent Cafe (sweet treats and coffee).

Each night Sawyer would go line up with his team (Zebra Galaxies) and I would walk Dempsey to his section where his team (Black Jets) would gather on a black blanket. Super awesome to watch my kids make new friends and have these awesome experiences. There was music, art, games, lessons... Incredible.

On the fourth night, Dempsey's class made telescopes out of paper towel rolls. Super cute to see the kiddos with them and the boys using them as weapons, of course.

Well, while Dempsey was playing with two other boys, a girl their age came over to the action. Dempsey immediately put his "weapon" down, touched the girl's shoulder as if to guide her away from harm, all while putting himself between her and the action/ danger.

My heart just melted.

I didn't tell him to do that. No one told him to do that. That is just HOW HE IS. I made sure to praise him up and down for that in the hopes that he would always view girls/ ladies that way. Not because they can't handle themselves, but because they are valuable and worth protecting!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

You fuhgot dees Mom!

Dempsey comes over to me and proclaims, "You fuhgot dees, Mom!"

As I turn to look, he shows me his two tiny fists full of my NeoLife supplements I left on the counter. 

This boy is super thoughtful and totally concerned about me being without things he is used to seeing me with.

It is so fun to watch him grow. He likes certain things to be orderly and is eager to help when asked. When he does things like this, of his own accord, it just melts my heart. Such a good helper. He loves helping! I pray that he never loses that trait.

Lord, thank you so much for Dempsey. The amazing little package that he is just get more and more fun to unwrap. Please provide the wisdom and endurance that is required to raise him. Provide the physical energy and mental focus as well. Bless this child. Captivate and capture his heart soon and hold on tight for his time on this planet. Use him in mighty ways. I pray over his future. That there will be a beautiful lady crafted by you to be his perfect life partner. I pray for her heart to be aligned with your will and her character to be willing to grow with my boy. Amen

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Up on the Town

Getting to the top of the Orangethorpe on-ramp of the 57N, Dempsey, looking to the east, says "We're up on the town."

I love experiencing him talk more and more as his vocabulary grows.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Language is HARD

Dempsey said "fointer pinger" for pointer finger. Lol

He says "I've seen that 'fabore'" for before.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

"A question for you"

Dempsey comes to me in the kitchen and says "I have a quesson for you, Mommy."
Yes? What is your question?
"I want to tell you somefing."
What do you want to tell me?
"Does God wuv me?"
Yes! Yes, God loves you! So very much.
Bashfully, "Okay."
Why did you want to know if God loves you?
"Because I want to love God."

This momma's heart melted and just overflows!!

Thank you, Lord, for reaching my children's hearts! May I guide them to you always and help them grow in their relationship with you. Amen

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Dempsey Sings

Dempsey's singing in the living room. It goes something like "Happy birthday, Jesus!... Happy Birthday, Jesus!" and then the next tune in "Rock a bye baby... when the.... breaks... and the baby and the tree top and the baby...!!!"

I'm chuckling to myself at the computer.

Sawyer is having to learn that Dempsey has a right to sing and talk and make noise too. Just told big brother that if he has a problem with it he can remove himself from the living room.

Coral Kenagy
1 John 4:19
"We love because HE first loved us."

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

On the Grass

Quote of the day: Dempsey Edition

A half naked Dempsey, in the kitchen, announces to Jake and myself "I need to pee on grass!" Then proceeds to go out the laundry room door and handle business.

Monday, February 23, 2015

A Generous Gentleman

As dinner was wrapping up, this little dude went person to person asking "you wan some more [chips]?" I said "no thank you, I'm all done." He then went over to Sawyer and asked "you wan some more, Sawyer?" Sawyer said "yes, please." Dempsey grabbed two chips and put them on Sawyer's plate. He went on to encourage Sawyer to "dip in walkamolee (guacamole)".

Precious glimpse and reminder that he CAN be a gentleman.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Gone Missing

Things that have gone missing around here:

1/2 measuring cup
At least 3 spoons
About 2 forks
Unknown number of Take n Toss cup/ lid sets
3-4 plastic children's bowls

This is a likely occurence when you trust your toddler to put his place settings/ dishes in the "sink" and he mistakes that for the trash.

We caught on and are more diligent to check the trash or listen for his deposits into the sink.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Gus Gus

This is his "watching Gus Gus" face. With all the immitations of Gus Gus happening recently I knew it wouldn't be long until he asked to watch Cinderella.

"Bof of you"

In the car, on their phones, waiting for Daddy to get done with his dr appointment, I hear "I love bof of you" from Dempsey.

Sawyer repeats the sentiment.

Dempsey repeats.

This repeats a few times amid some giggles.

I love these moments!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Sleepy Head

In recent months Dempsey has been falling asleep out in the living room while watching some animated movie. This requires him to be transported to his bed.

I love watching Jake carry our sleeping baby (3 year old) off to bed.

Tonight we picked up where we left off with Aristocats. Ten, maybe fifteen minutes in Dempsey was out. Cute boy in his Thomas the Train jammies laying with his blanket on the couch next to big brother. Precious.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

A Day in the Life

I had a doctors appointment this morning. The boys ended up accompanying me because the sitter arrangements fell through.

Buckle up boys, life is about to get REAL!

This appointment was for a physical. Yep, a COMPLETE physical. You ladies catch my drift?

Praise God for iphones and obedient (in this instance) children.

They sat in the room, in a chair and on the floor, while I had my physical done. Not too many questions were asked and none that I couldn't answer.

After the doctors appointment we went to Ruby's for lunch with Jake (who was also at the doctors for his own appointment). I love being able to be spontaneous with the whole family.

When we finished lunch, the littles and I drove over to Puente Hills for Toys R Us. The boys were each gifted a gift card for Christmas. Dempsey chose ANOTHER Dusty Crophopper figure and refused to consider anything else. Sawyer chose two sets of Legos, which each came with a coupon for Legoland (he's pining for a trip to Legoland for his 8th birthday). So, Sawyer's purchase has a dual purpose. I made extra, extra certain he would have chosen THOSE ITEMS even if they didn't come with the Legoland coupon. He assured me he would have.