Biggest Need


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Thursday, May 19, 2016


Praise God, we have had two more incredible days. Dempsey has been happy, chatty, loving, giggly, active, enthusiastic, comical, a wee bit emotional, fever-free, gaining strength, increasing in confidence...

He and Sawyer have had quite a few gigglefests. It makes me laugh listening to them make each other laugh so hard they snort or can't catch their breath. It is good for the soul, that kind of laughter. I do tend to rain on their hysteria parade when their decibel level gets too high or I feel they are forcing it. They just tend to find word sounds comical. Example: "giggle bumps" sends them into a giggling fit. Then we butcher the English language with phrases like biggle gumps or poodle noodles. The best is when it's night time, they're in the bath, you can tell they're tired despite them denying it... and these gigglefests begin. I love to eavesdrop and catch those moments when one makes the other laugh so hard there's no sound coming out. I'm chuckling just thinking about it. Precious, precious moments.

As I watch Dempsey these days, I am assured, in my spirit that the Lord pushed back Dempsey's treatment so we could gain strength this week. Strength physically- nutrition, rest, laughter, triking, etc. Strength mentally- preparing ourselves for the battle ahead and bracing for the unknowns that await. Strength spiritually- being able to step back and survey the current landscape. It is covered with the fingerprints of God. That also helps us pick the right armor to wear into the next battle in this war called Cancer. Strength emotionally- the time between treatments has given us time to process our emotions and even some of our fears of what's to come. This week has been a blessing. So much so, that it seems foolish to have been sad about treatment waiting.

Dempsey has a blood draw tomorrow to check his counts again. So tired of him needing all these labs which require his port to be accessed. Remember what that means? It means a 3/4 to 1 inch needle shoved through his skin into his portacath so they can either draw blood or give infusions (chemo all the way down to IV fluids). Thankfully there is a topical numbing cream to help alleviate pain. Unfortunately it doesn't alleviate the anxiety. Pray that time will bring acceptance and a strong will do just get it done- from Dempsey. I'm not sure I'll ever feel good about Dempsey being accessed. Even with as many good appointments as he's had... it's just not easy for the parents. Tomorrow's appointment should be short and relatively painless- God willing.

Sawyer has his next to last Friday School tomorrow. So, while Jake is taking Dempsey to his early morning labs appointment, I will be taking Sawyer to school. I hope I can remember to look for his silver stainless steel water bottle that he left there (he thinks) last week.

Our friend, Ellen, is helping me beef up a garden again. This time we're doing things above ground, in pots. So far the pots have zucchini and bell peppers. Yay! The in-ground plants are tomatoes and cucumber. The in-ground plants along with the herbs were blessings the WACC Serve Weekend crew left for us. Bless you who served at our house!! Since Ellen is the brains of this outfit, I'm not exactly sure what she's planning. I told her "Just tell me what you need from me (money) and I'll get it to you." Hahaha She loves this sort of thing... starting from seed and growing these amazing living and life-giving creations. I can water them and tend them. I'm okay at that. I'm super motivated this go-round so I'm hoping the Lord continues to fill me with the thought, desire, and care capabilities to make this a success. After all, we now have shelves in our kitchen to hold the glorious bounty.

Sawyer wants playdates. Poor kid. It really is hard on him to be stuck at home so much. So, if any of y'all want to whisk him away for a few hours some day(s) please let me know. Fill out the Got Questions? form and we'll connect. For as hard as this journey is on Sawyer, he really is an outstanding big brother. Dempsey doesn't realize how blessed he is. Sawyer is good about relinquishing control, albeit begrudgingly sometimes, because he knows about balance and the Golden Rule. Some days all he wants is to pester Dempsey. Other days he's all about caring and doting on little brother. Most days are a mix of the two. No matter how much (material items) he is blessed with or how much he feels he has to give up to please Dempsey... he really does maintain a solid character foundation. A lot of his thoughts are about the Lord and how God is IN every aspect of life. This fact, about Sawyer, helps me accept the material blessings Sawyer is being showered with. Sawyer is teachable and I am grateful. I couldn't ask for a more enjoyable kid to hang out with... or be stuck under house arrest with. Lets face it, cancer is certainly more along the lines of house arrest than those lovely stay-cations.

Jake... lets talk about Jake. He went back to work this week. Perhaps he'll enlighten you on how that went all on his own. But, for now, it seems to me it has been a good thing. He is planning to go back to work only three days a week right now out of concern for the stress his working full time would place me under. So thoughtful and absolutely correct. As it is, there is a bit of anxiety with him being gone the three days. Another opportunity for growth. I think going back to work will be good for Jake. A sense of normal. A sense of being productive and viable and free from these four walls we call home. He needs to be away. It's healthy. It's life-giving. I'm so grateful he had a job to go back to. I know that isn't always the case for families in our situation. God's provision.

Well, there's more I could say. There's more I would like to say. In another post, at another time. I'm tired and I want to snuggle with my lover and watch our guilty pleasure of Big Bang Theory (we're at least a season behind so don't any of you share anything at all that might spoil the future) before drifting off.

Prayer requests (can't forget these):
Pray for miraculous healing
Pray for strength
Pray against fevers
Pray against anxiety
Pray against worry and fear
Pray for a smooth appointment tomorrow morning
Pray against pain
Pray for travel mercies
Pray for a good school day
Pray for physical healing
Pray for mental strength and wisdom
Pray for emotional strength
Pray for our support structure- we still need it
Pray for Jake as he balances everything and work
Pray for grace
Pray for good, open communication
Pray as you feel led


Chick fil-A Fundraiser: June 7th from 5-8pm @ Chick fil-A La Habra Marketplace

1 comment:

  1. As always, thank you for writing to us. It's a privilege to read what's going on!
