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Sunday, May 15, 2016

I'm Scared About Tomorrow

I'm scared about tomorrow. Not gonna lie.

Tomorrow brings for Dempsey a lab draw (accessing his port, drawing blood, running tests to make sure his numbers are high enough to move forward) EARLY in the morning- 7:30am. This means no food or drink after midnight.

If the results of his labs show his blood counts high enough, tomorrow brings yet another lumbar puncture and then a chemo infusion which is short but requires SIX HOURS of flushing IV fluids. Six hours, folks. That's some seriously serious drug they are going to pump into my baby and then flush like the dickens. You can bet your stars I will be forcing some NeoLife Aloe Vera Plus into Dempsey to help his kidneys and liver!

If the results of his labs show low blood counts, the LP and chemo get pushed back to Tuesday and he will receive an infusion of blood and platelets.

I just want to get the awful first day of phase two out of the way. I feel like if we just make it through that day then the others will seem a bit easier. Foolish? Perhaps. But I'll take any sort of strength/ hope I can right about now.

I don't know how Jake, Sawyer, and I are going to manage. So much time to spend at CHOC tomorrow from really early until the late afternoon. I am not thrilled about this. I'm afraid I might not sleep because of the anxiety.

Seriously, I just want to fall asleep, wake up, and have everything be mundane again. Those were the days.

Prayer requests:
Pray for good rest.
Pray for Dempsey to have no pain.
Pray that Dempsey has courage.
Pray for good distractions.
Pray for smooth procedure with no complications.
Pray against side effects.
Pray for miraculous healing.
Pray for strength.
Pray for clear minds.
Pray for peace.
Pray for faith.
Pray against fear and worry.
Pray against being overwhelmed.
Pray for mercies.
Pray for any miracle God wants to give.
Pray as you feel led.