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Saturday, May 21, 2016

A Prayer


As we prepare to lay our heads on plush pillows, may we remember your goodness. Let us survey our day and be grateful for all it contained.

You had us rise.

You gave us laughter.

You provide our shelter.

You filled our bellies.

You protected us from harm.

You fill our lungs and pump our hearts.

You forge rivers of strength where dams had been.

You seasoned our day with joy.

You allowed times of rest.

You blessed us with visions of "normal" as Dempsey climbed on the playset.

You strengthened the brotherly bonds of our boys.

You wove in conversations where we could share of your faithfulness.

Even in sadness, you remind us there is beauty to be had.

We are grateful for your blessings. We give you thanks for these and every one I don't have time to list.

Father, please heal our boy. Reach down from your throne, touch his body, and send those cancer cells to their death. Please continue to walk with us through this leukemia battle so that Dempsey may win the war.

We are tired, Lord. Often just as weary in spirit as we are in our physical beings. We have our own pains we need you to heal but we always put the greater need of Dempsey's healing before our own. You know.

We believe you designed this journey. We don't know all the whys and we are okay if we never know them all. Please afford us the luxury of seeing this war resolved with a happy ending. We know the "numbers" are good but our baby is still on the alter- waiting for your rescue. We ask for the faith of Abraham (Genesis 22). We pray that we will trust you the whole way, knowing that you are a God of miracles.

You made Dempsey for this war and you placed him in our ranks. May we endeavor to be the support, encouragement, and leaders in love that he needs to win. This is a battlefield and we ask your protection and blessing over it. Please shine your beacon of hope into each dark night and steady our steps as we walk uncharted paths.

We pray for our son! We beg you to release him from this war. We pray that you will remove the cancer from his body, never to return. As Abraham weeped over Isaac during his obedience, so we weep over Dempsey as we place him on the alter and await your redemption.

Lord, don't leave us. Be ever present with us. Tangible. Holy. Just. Good. Send your rainbows, your promises to our family. Bind evil away from us. Keep us armed for battle and on our knees until victory arrives.

We are your servants. We will walk whatever journey you lay out for us. We believe you are with us and also go before us in time and space. We love you and are thankful you have brought us this far.



  1. Amazing prayer. God grant amazing grace again.

  2. Beautiful words to our Father from a beloved daughter. He hears you and knows the depth of your heart.

  3. Beautiful words to our Father from a beloved daughter. He hears you and knows the depth of your heart.
