Biggest Need


It's not glamorous. It's not pretty. It's not fun. It's not creative. It's not ingenious. It's not smart. It's not comical.

It is endearing. It is powerful. It is helpful. It is necessary. It is provision. It is humbling. It is impactful. It is peace-providing.

You have two ways you can give: YouCaring & PayPal

Friday, May 20, 2016


Today was another great day, despite it containing a lab draw/ port access.

Jake got a call this evening about Dempsey's "numbers". His ANC is still too low to do chemo on Monday. So, he will have more labs done and we will plan to start chemo on Tuesday.

Jake and Dempsey went to the Clinic this morning.
I dropped Sawyer off at school.
I swung by Parkville to gather my belongings and say some sort of farewell. *sad*
Jake and Dempsey came home and Jake made homemade pizza for lunch. Delicious.
I picked Sawyer up from school.
We ALL went to Anaconda Park. Yes, ALL OF US. Dempsey rode his trike around a few times. Then Jake took him to a different playground... one with better swings and less people (aka germs).
Sawyer and I stayed at the park having fun with a bunch of WCSP peeps. Sawyer got his face painted.
Jake and Dempsey picked us up and we went home.
Spent the rest of the day together as a family as home.
Had dinner.
Did bath time.
Now the boys are all watching What's In The Bible?- our nightly ritual.

Dempsey has had great energy. A sunny disposition. Helpful attitude. Curious questions. He even went outside all of his own accord!!! Y'all, I cannot impress upon you how HUGE that is. He's been afraid of walking outside without assistance, despite having the ability. So, tonight, not only did he go outside but he climbed on the playset. This made Jake and I extremely happy and nervous enough where Jake went outside to "watch". We just cannot take any chances with Dempsey. Sometimes we start to forget how fragile he really is right now.

I didn't juice today- ran out of time. Our Vitamix came today!! (Thank you!!! You know who you are.) So, can you guess what I'm going to be doing tomorrow? :-)

I can't wait to see my chiropractor tomorrow. It's gonna be a long journey to get me back to where I was pre-CHOC.

Prayer requests:
Pray against fevers
Pray for miraculous healing
Pray for health miracles all along the way
Pray for protection
Pray for treatment
Pray for strength in all areas (physical, mental, spiritual, emotional)
Pray for solid rest
Pray for fun
Pray against side effects
Pray for our support structure
Pray for Sawyer during this journey
Pray that we will keep a right perspective
Pray that our journey is positively impacting the Kingdom
Pray as you feel led


Chick fil-A Fundraiser: June 7th from 5-8pm @ Chick fil-A La Habra Marketplace


  1. Mads was excited to see Dempsey at the park. I was sad I couldn't be there...

  2. Mads was excited to see Dempsey at the park. I was sad I couldn't be there...
