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Friday, May 5, 2017

Appearance Shift

So, I know I should just be grateful and thankful my son is alive and thriving despite his leukemia diagnosis... and I am! Anyone who thinks I'm not praising God every minute for the journey Dempsey is having (against the odds) needs to just sit down.

While I am thankful and in a state of perpetual thanksgiving, my heart breaks when I see Dempsey's hair coming back CURLY, or wavy.

I totally get that he is more than his hair- I wrote a post to that affect last year. I'm sharing this because this change is visible and it is a CONSTANT reminder that my baby has been altered. I don't know if it will stay curly/ wavy forever or if it will return to the previous state of straight. Regardless, the current style is different than the one he was born with and that hurts the heart.

He didn't choose this change. It was thrust upon his tiny frame just as cancer was tossed along the path of his life.

I know it may seem stupid to you... my focus on his different- but- still- healthy- and- full head of hair. Most days I love it and embrace it. But today, in this moment, I want the "old" hair back!! I want his "old" body back! I just want the "old" back.

I thank God that Dempsey is more than his hair!! I pray that the good Lord will help me process through and grieve what was so that I may embrace what IS and work to shine HIS glory through the many threads of this journey.