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It is endearing. It is powerful. It is helpful. It is necessary. It is provision. It is humbling. It is impactful. It is peace-providing.

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Monday, May 29, 2017

Advancing Through Life

Dempsey has hit a milestone this is in the lives of many children before him, learning to ride a bike without training wheels.

Sawyer is there, riding his two wheels in the background.

Dempsey is so close to owning this milestone!

This beautiful smile is even more precious because it comes post tears.
Tears of frustration and failure.
Those feelings were consoled by mom and some Truth-telling.

I am so proud of this boy that tears well up in my eyes. This journey that he is on, the spirit he has maintained through it all, the way that he is under attack in many areas of his life (mental, emotional, spiritual, physical), and that it ALL shines with light of God's glory brings tears to my eyes. I know people can't fathom walking this journey. They tell me that frequently. I still can't believe that we are walking this journey either, to be perfectly honest. But we are. And you know what else? We are not alone!

Because of our faith in Jesus Christ, we are called to a higher purpose. No, a child with cancer is not the higher purpose. Walking through Dempsey's cancer journey with the right mix of complete dependence on the Lord, prayer, and faith to bring glory to God is the higher purpose. We were created to glorify the Creator. The One who knows every hair on our head, caused Adam to take form from dust, raised his own Son from the dead, and hatched a blow-your-mind redemption plan to bring his own free-willed creation back into relationship with him.

As much as I want to say "God would be enough even if he took my son", I'm not sure I can with any level of honesty behind it. I want to be able to say that statement and mean it with every fiber of my being. I hope and pray that if that were to happen... one day I would be able to say God is enough. One thing I have said, and believe I believe is "Well, my goal is Dempsey's total healing... and whether that happens on this earth or not, either way he will be healed." This is as close to "God is enough" as I can get at this point- honestly. Instead, I choose to focus on a phrase with a twist. At the start of this journey I asked "Why us? Why my family?!" Quickly that turned to "Why not us? Why not my family?" I know many think I'm crazy. That's fine. You reach a certain level of crazy on a journey like this that you never before imagined. Sanctification is brutal, friends.

If you want the kind of hope and faith I have... then I highly encourage you to meet Jesus Christ. Meet him and then get to know him. Really get to know him. How? By reading the Bible. Not reading books about the Bible. Reading the actual Bible. Just read it. Soak in the words. Let them wash over your heart and renew you. As those words breathe new life into your heart, you will begin to see the world in a different way. A way that eventually leads you to a place where you can ask the question I did, "Why not me?" There is no pill to swallow to attain sanctification. Sorry. You must suit up and show up. Rain or shine. Joy or sorrow. Comprehension or confusion.
I look forward to seeing you on the Sanctification Path.

Prayer requests:
pray against negative side effects
pray for courage
pray for wisdom amongst doctors
pray for wisdom for our family
pray for a smooth journey
pray for our finances
pray for our support structure
pray for marriage
pray for our hearts
pray that our faith grows stronger, day by day
pray that we have a Kingdom impact in every moment
pray that we don't waste any of this journey
pray that lives are changed by our journey
pray that souls are won for Christ
pray that God is glorified in all our actions
pray that we can create a lasting ripple effect of impact
pray that we walk in line with God's will
pray that we can stand strong in faith and release worry
pray PTSD away
pray anxiety away
pray for open doors
pray that I will have a clear understanding of what God wants me to do with this journey