Biggest Need


It's not glamorous. It's not pretty. It's not fun. It's not creative. It's not ingenious. It's not smart. It's not comical.

It is endearing. It is powerful. It is helpful. It is necessary. It is provision. It is humbling. It is impactful. It is peace-providing.

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Monday, July 11, 2016


Hello Dempsey Supporters!!!

First of all... WE LOVE YOU! We would not be making it without your prayers, positive thoughts, and tangible support in the form of money, gifts, meals, etc. You truly bless us to the point of speechlessness. Thank you.

I had mentioned before that I was going to create a website that would SHOW/ TELL you what we are doing to support Dempsey's body through the leukemia journey and the "standard treatment" of chemotherapy and other drugs.  Well, here it is!
*images courtesy of Brian Jones

Why did I choose ""? Well, I figured if I meet people, introduce myself, and share anything about this site... there is a greater chance they will remember my name and look for it than try to remember me and the name of a site that was another name. I realize quite a few people have a hard time with many names from a single encounter. Plus, I couldn't think of a quippy site name that encapsulated Dempsey. Since this site was from MY perspective, I think it only fitting that it has MY name. Am I right? :-) Also, Dempsey has HIS site... it's the one you keep checking and that I keep linking to on social media. MY site is to help parents of other CKs (Cancer Kids) and not so much about sharing the details of Dempsey's journey. That's what HIS site is for. Capiche?

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