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Monday, May 30, 2016


Miracles are happening all the time.

Sawyer and I were talking about Dempsey and his pill-taking while Jake and Dempsey were doing pill-taking time. Sawyer said, "I haven't really seen any bad things happen to Dempsey. Do you think that's because God is doing miracles?" I said, "Yes!"

I went on to tell Sawyer how miracles happen all the time but we get so used to seeing them that we forget to call miracles "miracles". By definition, a miracle is [a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency].

So, following this train of thought, I wanted to take a post and try to convey our deepest thanks and grandest gratitude for your prayerful support of Dempsey (and our family). I (we) truly believe that Dempsey is doing so well because of your petitions on his behalf. PLEASE CONTINUE PRAYING FOR DEMPSEY! He needs this journey to be covered by endless prayer until July 2019.

In the spirit of helping you pray intentionally, here are some areas of his journey that need prayer. This is in no way a complete list so please feel free to add as you feel led.
Pray for:
Miraculous healing
Against negative side effects
Against fevers
Against nausea
Protection over every organ in Dempsey's body
Effective treatment with NO damage (of any kind) to his body
A positive attitude about taking pills
Wisdom from doctors and all medical professionals we are in contact with
Our whole family will be salt & light to this world as we travel this leukemia road
Positive opportunities to be a big part of this leukemia adventure
Eyes and hearts to perceive divine appointments along this journey
Seamless accessing of Dempsey's port- always
NO infections
Strength/ health
Dempsey and our family to be a catalyst for discussions at CHOC (with staff or other families) about prayer, nutrition, and the importance & effectiveness of alternative treatments along with "standard treatments"
Each of us to have a Kingdom focus moment to moment so that the enemy will not be able to create a wedge anywhere
Us to encourage Dempsey in physical activity
Dempsey to WANT to do school
Us to use every opportunity as a teaching moment for BOTH our boys
Our support structure because we will need it daily for years
What the Lord places on your heart (feel free to share what is on your heart with us)