Biggest Need


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It is endearing. It is powerful. It is helpful. It is necessary. It is provision. It is humbling. It is impactful. It is peace-providing.

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Thursday, February 9, 2017

What If We Were All This Generous?

Yesterday I got an email from a sweet woman. Keep in mind that I have never "met" her face to face but our husbands have history. This sweet woman and her husband have tangibly blessed us before and this day was no different.

Her email stated that she and her husband wanted to bless again and that it would be best to talk over the phone instead of via email. So, Jake called the husband today and had a conversation.

Y'all, I cannot go into all the details but know this:
This couple is grieving a loss so profound I have no words for it and yet they desire to bless US, our sweet Dempsey, with the overflow of love/ support/ generosity they are receiving from their network right now. They acknowledge their needs are few and the needs they have can't all be met with material goods. Alas, people who love them want to bless them in the ways they know how. It really is beautiful when there is so much blessing one needs to share it. So, they were asking if there were specific ways that WE needed to be blessed. Things we needed? Support that would be helpful?

I am still in shock.

My friend stated that part of their goal, in all this, is to "introduce Dempsey to as many people in our communities as possible". How does a chest contain a heart that big? Only in the Lord's economy.

Our friends, even in their grieving are looking out for us. We try to do that for others as well. I think stories like THIS need to make the news. How much kinder would the world be if we were all this generous?

Challenge: how can you bless someone today? Someone who, perhaps, cannot repay you- ever...

We played the Lazy Card and went to Chipotle for dinner tonight as a family. While there we saw a friend, eating by himself. We said hello and sat at the table next to him, quietly so as not to force him to interact with us if he was having a pleasant solitary dinner.

While seated, a man came around asking for change. I didn't have any and he moved on to our friend. Our friend offered to buy this man dinner and the man accepted. We watched the interaction and marveled at our friend's generosity. Our friend stood with the man and even sat, talking with the man while he ate his food. Jake looked across the dining area and smiled- our friend was praying with the man.

Way to go, friend! Way to be the literal hands and feet of Jesus. Perhaps that man was an angel we missed out on blessing. Our friend certainly didn't miss out and who knows where their conversation and prayer led.

Challenge II: what act of generosity did you witness today? How did it make you feel?

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