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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Round 3: Photos

Day 1 of Round 3

On his way for his lumber puncture.
I've lost count of how many he has had. :-(

Sawyer and I go to Turtle Talk while Dempsey is in his procedure.

While Dempsey sleeps off the anesthesia, Sawyer is interviewed by Brian at Seacrest Studios.
Sawyer may or may not have told Brian he needs to take NEOLIFEShakes for breakfast.
Currently Brian doesn't eat breakfast. ;-)

Sweet boy sleeps off the anesthesia.
It takes 3 hours.

First food in 20 hours!
Daddy's homemade pizza.

Playroom fun in the evening.

We love the playroom volunteers.
Meet Megan and Vanessa.

Day 2 of Round 3.
Connect 4 with Princess Jasmine in the playroom.

Demps gets ALL the ladies.

A little bit of air hockey with Daddy.
John "helps". John is from Ireland and has a heart so big it can't be contained.

Yummy watermelon.
He loves his whole foods.

He napped HARD.
Still trying to recover from such low blood sugar the day before because of no food for 20 hours.

Sawyer saying good-bye for the day/night.

Awake... still not much of an appetite.

More Turtle Talk. Crush recognizes him and calls him by name.

Detox bathing with his smoothie/ vitamins and a little Batman on the ipad.

Day 3 Round 3.
Sawyer's back! We love when Sawyer is with us.

Y'all the story behind this photo is awesome!
This day was Superhero Thursday. Jake had brilliantly packed Dempsey's Spider-Man cape and mask (see Sawyer below). A nurse we've never met, stopped by our room at the end of her shift. She said she purchased this costume at Costco just for the cape for the day. She told me that she had told her coworkers that she was going to donate it to Child Life. They told her "No... you HAVE to give it to Dempsey! He loves superheroes." How awesome is that?! The nurses know and love our boy so much. I was speechless. Such loving selflessness that absolutely made this boy's day.

Sawyer as Super-Spider-man.

The boys sported their costumes to Turtle Talk. Crush was confused and asked "Is that Deep Sea Dempsey behind that mask?" Dempsey raised the mask and answered, "Yeah, it's meeee." Precious.

Dempsey is working to string up the dozens of Beads of Courage he's collected.

Please consider donating money or talent to Beads of Courage.
It's a beautiful organization that uses beads to mark the journey these kiddos are on.

Each one of those white beads symbolizes a dose of chemotherapy Dempsey has endured. This is just one of FOUR necklaces full of beads.

Candyland with the boy.

Aaaannnndddd more Turtle Talk.
See that beautiful little toe head in the background? That's Ryder. He's 3.
He caught a virus our of the country, ended up with encephalitis. He is recovering pretty well but still needs prayer while his nervous system rights itself.

This is Nurse Julia. She and I got to talking and she forgot to have Dempsey help her with his vials.
So, she went and got some supplies and water so that he could do something. Awesome.

Conked out. He is so beautiful.

Day 4 Round 3. Yep, you guessed it... more Turtle Talk.
We LOVE us some Crush.

Granny and Granddad brought Sawyer to CHOC and played on the courtyard for a bit.
Dempsey LOVES being outside to play and soak up some Vitamin D.
Look at that energy!

Sawyer conquered CHOC-o Bear.

Air hockey with Granddad in the playroom.

Dempsey designed a picture frame. Complete with paint and foam stickers.
Of course he chose RED paint.

Brother shenanigans. Bunny ears and boisterous melodies.

Even more Turtle Talk.

Brothers. Quesadillas. A movie.
There had been a headache, some nausea, and even a little vomit (not much at all).
I blame the screwed up blood sugar cycle from Day 1... remember, no food for 20 hours!
Daddy gave him Aloe Vera Plus and rubbed some of the Digestive Blend essential oil on his tummy.
Good as new.

All packed up and headed HOME.
Praising God for another round done and rather smoothly too.

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