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Sunday, July 31, 2016

What's Coming Up and Other Info

Tomorrow, Monday Aug 1, brings a blood draw (labs) for Dempsey and a meeting with his primary oncologist for us. This meeting is where we will learn the results of last week's bone marrow biopsy AND the "plan" for the next phase of treatment.

Please pray over this meeting. Pray for PERFECT RESULTS from the biopsy. Pray that the next phase of treatment goes as "easily" as this last one... or easier! Pray against negative side effects. Pray for calm nerves. Pray for peace and courage and faith. Pray that we, as parents, are always able to be in the present and never worry.
*Two sayings come to mind regarding that last paragraph:
1. Worry is just giving the devil your imagination.
2. The past is history, the future is a mystery, today is a gift... that's why it's called the present. (I don't know who said it first... I heard it from Kung Fu Panda 1. Welcome to parenthood.)

We know that God is already there, in the future, waiting for us to show up. We know that He is walking with us now and that He was with us in the past. Help us to walk this road in faith and obedience. We want to be salt and light no matter where we are or who we are with. This is not always easy or doable.

Your prayers are invaluable. They are priceless because we could never find a price tag that fits! We believe Dempsey is doing so well (regardless of what is happening in his little body) because YOU are covering him with prayer, deep, passionate prayer.

For you that aren't prayers... your positive thoughts are an encouragement and are dually appreciated. Please keep them coming.

Also, Dempsey's 5th birthday is coming up and we are dumbfounded as what to do. They poor kid can't be in all the public places with all the people we/ he would want to be. This is heart-breaking. I am not a party planner by any stretch of the imagination, so I am having a hard time trying to figure out how to make his safe zones extra fun/ enjoyable for that day. If you have any ideas, please feel free to share them. Of course, we are on a tight budget and he doesn't need extravagance... just a little bit more flare than normal.

After months of medical billing blunders (by our insurance provider), Jake feels confident things are straightened out in this area. So, he began paying the thousands of dollars this journey has cost us (for this year... it will repeat again for the next 3 years). Jake worked long and hard on organizing and figuring out this gobbledygook that is the medical billing system. I thank God EVERY SINGLE DAY for this amazing man who is blessed with gifts I don't possess and who willingly picks up where I leave off. Marriage to this man is an absolute blessing. *swoon*
Anyway, to say this journey is "expensive" would be an understatement. However, we are able to cover this years costs because of YOUR GENEROSITY!! God bless you! God had blessed every single cent that we have been given and he has multiplied it. We feel financially safe, for the time being and we have YOU to thank for that. So,

Please, continue to share Dempsey's story with everyone. Social media is great. Church bulletins are great. Community boards are great. The more exposure Dempsey's story gets, the more support he gets, the more prayer he gets, the more awareness childhood cancer/ leukemia gets. Be bold for our son!! Please, and more importantly- thank you.

Ways you can help...

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