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Sunday, July 3, 2016

One More Week

Dempsey has a full week of chemo left. Please pray over him and this week. Pray over his little body, it is being ravaged by nasty toxins. Yes, he looks great, but that doesn't mean his little body is safe. We are working HARD to protect him.

Monday: Access of port, infusion, injection, pill at home

Tuesday: Infusion, pill at home

Wednesday: Infusion, injection, pill at home

Thursday: Infusion, de-access of his port, pill at home

Friday: Injection, pill at home

Saturday: Pill at home

Sunday: Pill at home

Monday: Pill at home

Dempsey is really struggling with taking his pills this go-round. Tonight, for better or worse, I chopped the pill up into even smaller pieces in the hopes that it would just go down like the jello and he wouldn't really feel the pieces and work to separate them, spit them out, and repeat until he gets sick from the amount of jello he's ingested. Please pray over this part of his routine. He needs to take these pills... not chew these pills... but swallow these pills. Pray that he will learn how to just SWALLOW the jello instead of trying to chew it. Pray that we will have an abundance of patience and positivity to shower him with. He is a bit of a perfectionist and he can really beat himself up when he does something he perceives as wrong.

The struggles are real, folks. We are TRYING to live minute by minute because you don't know what the next one holds. We are trying to follow Dempsey's lead as well. If he's okay, we try to be okay. Even if he's okay a few moments after tossing all his cookies. It's not so easy for us to be that okay that quick. You could pray for that too. Pray that our minds will not be able to jump ahead, nor be stuck in the past. Help us to process quickly and return to being present in the present.

It's glorious to watch this little boy run! I swear, that is what he was born to do. It as magical as watching an artist construct a beautiful work in front of your eyes... when you witness God's gifts being used. Watching Dempsey run is like watching God work right in front of your eyes. Awesome. Undeniable. Refreshing.

This little green dude is really handy!

Love this. Like Heaven is sending me a message...
"I've got this." -God

Showing how strong he is!!

Well... because... awesome.

Prayer requests:
Pray for miraculous healing.
Pray for restorative rest for all of us.
Pray protection over every healthy cell in Dempsey's body.
Pray protection over his organs and systems.
Pray protection over his mind and heart.
Pray for selective amnesia so he only remembers the good during this journey.
Pray that the medication ARE doing what they should be doing.
Pray that we ARE keeping him strong with our holistic methods as well.
Pray that "treatment" will NEVER hold any part of Dempsey for ransom.
Pray that the medical community would have a serious wake up call and spend serious time and money looking into alternative treatments.
Pray that every aspect of this journey, of our lives, is a testament to the glory of God.
Pray that we may be salt and light to this world.
Pray that we see and follow what the Lord wants us to do with this journey.
Pray that we are grace-filled yet true to ourselves throughout this journey.
Pray as you feel led.


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